16- Jealousy

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Mitchel's POV

Waking up next to someone was always nice, especially when that person was possibly the cutest person alive. Jaz was currently asleep, I had sat up in bed and she had subconsciously scooted over back towards me and so her head was resting on my lap while I softly stroked her hair.

I was so used to my cold, empty bed in the morning for so long that having someone else occupy the space was strange yet endearing.

She was like a sleeping baby in the way that you wanted to wake them up because they looked so cute but at the same time I knew that would be a stupid thing to do and that you should never wake a sleeping girl.

I play on my phone for a while she continues to sleep. We had a music video shoot today and I was pretty excited but I'm not sure Jaz was going to enjoy it. We had planned the video way before I had even encountered Jaz and so the video was going to include lots of girls wearing minimal clothing. I guess I'll just need to wait and see once we get there.

I feel her softly stirring underneath me and I look down to her rubbing her eyes as she slowly lifts her head up.

"Morning" I smile.

"Morning" She replies sleepily.

She was now sitting up and leaning against me as I scrolled through my phone absentmindedly. I eventually lock my phone and put it down on the table, focusing my whole attention on her. I turn round slightly so we're properly facing eachother and I spend some time just admiring her in her natural state, she looked so effortlessly pretty unlike a lot of girls that needed to cake their face.

I softly take her chin and pull her in for a quick peck on the lips and I pull away again beaming down at her.

Our gentle moment however, was interrupted. Two idiots come bouncing into my room arguing with each other. It was so loud and chaotic compared to the nice silent ambience that was previously in the room.

"Why are you so annoying? You always run to Mitchel!" Christian shouts at Clinton.

"Because unlike me, he can actually tolerate your stupidity" Clinton replies.

"Can I help you two?" I ask unamused "Also ever heard of knocking?"

"Christian stole my jacket" Clinton whines.

"I need it for the music video! I look good in it" Christian defends.

"But I'm wearing it to the shoot! It's my jacket" Clinton replies.

"Just wear another jacket!" Christian scoffs.

"You wear another jacket, it's fucking mine" Clinton sneers.

These fucking idiots, I swear to god.

"Are you two really arguing over a stupid piece of fabric?" I ask.

Jaz just say in silence next to me watching the situation unfold, not really sure what to input to help.

"It's not the object, it's the whole idea that Christian thinks he can just take my shit!" Clinton whines.

"I don't care" I say waving my hand in the air to pause them.


"No, I don't care" I say cutting Christian off "Wear whatever you want, just get out my room and get Jesse to help you, I'm busy"

"Yeah I bet" Christian rolls his eyes.

"Just get the fuck out" I reply throwing a pillow in his direction.

They both strop out of the room muttering names at me as they slam the door. Sometimes I feel like the father in the house with two kids to look after. Thank God Jesse wasn't like these two.

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