5- ethan [ starbucks ]

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Ethan's P.O.V

It was just a normal day. I was walking to town and had just approached Starbucks. I ordered my drink and stood to the side and waited for my name to be called. Then I seen her. She was gorgeous, ever in sweats. She came over and stood next to me and I was staring. I must have zoned out because the next thing I heard was her.
"Hey bro. You wanna move over a bit, I need some milk." She said. She sounded pissed off, probably my fault.
"Oh Yeah sorry." I stuttered out.
She got milk and then walked upstairs. I got my drink and followed. Then proceeded to sit down a few tables over. She was on her laptop I assume doing work. I finished my drink and seen her leaving. So I walked behind her. She turned around swiftly.
"Dude. Are you following me?" She asked.
"Erm. Well, no. No I'm just leaving Starbucks. Are you following me?" I said quietly.
"How could I be following you? I'm in front of you." She laughed.
I chilled out a bit and decided to introduce myself.
"I'm Ethan."
"Cool. I'm Y/N"
"I promise I wasn't following you Y/N. I just wanted to get to know you because I think that your absolutely stunning." I rushed out.
"Aw. Ethan, thank you so much. I didn't think that you could have been a stalker anyway." She blushed.
"I was gonna say do you wanna grab a coffee. But we've both already had some." I said. Y/N laughed. Her laugh was cute.
"Yeah. Well why don't we go round to Westfield then, you do know where that is? Don't you?" She said.
I agreed and we both drove in our different cars to Westfield. Oh how I wish that I haven't been stood up and am driving to this shopping centre for no reason.
When I arrived I got out of my car and looked around for Y/N. I was starting to loose hope before I heard her voice calling my name. I strolled over to meet her and we went inside.

Le Time Skip

"I had allot of fun today Ethan, thanks." Y/N said.
"Your very welcome. I had fun too." I replied.
She reached into her pocket for her phone.
"Here's my number, I'd love to go hang out again." She said.
I copied in the number very carefully making sure I had made no mistakes.
"Me too. I'll see you soon Y/N" I said.
She leaned up and and pecked my cheek.
"Until next time Ethan."
"Goodbye Y/N"
I drove home with the radio on a low volume, just thinking about how I could ask Y/N. My new bestie on a date. I thought about her until I went to sleep that night. And now it I hadn't been at Starbucks this would have never of happened. I'm glad I decided to go out today, I really am.

Word count- 500

Short and Sweet, there was meant to be a double upload today but that never happened and it's sooo late now so sorry, Next imagine is Vik.

© tobileroneee

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