Adopted by Zerrie

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Hey guys i decided to do an adoption book. Cause it is about my favorite celeb couple and I just wanted I do one so here ya go!😀


(Jessica's POV)

My name is Jessica but you can call me Jess. I live in a group home. I have a bad past and that's why I am here. I am now 12 and in a few days it is my birthday.

I have been here since I was 6, and let's just say it is not fun to grow up without a family. I have been waiting for years to be adopted but no one wants an older kid.


I am sitting on my bed listening to my two favorite bands Little Mix, and One Direction. I love their music. I decide to pull out my diary and enter a new passage. I finish writing an tuck it under my pillow back in its original spot.

Then I hear Kate yell "EVERY ONE GET DOWN HERE IT IS ADOPTION DAY, EVEN YOU JESS!" I grown loudly and get up and put my music away and walk down stairs.

Their is tons of people looking at kids and I just walk into the kitchen and grab a drink. then I go back out their and half of the people have already chosen kids and I just sit down cause I know I will never be adopted.

Then everyone leaves. and Kate comes up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder and says "don't worry Jess your day will come soon enough.' and I laugh an says "sure it will." very sarcastically and then get up and walk into my room and put in my head phones and drift off to sleep.

I wake up the next morning and jet dressed, brush my hair and do my other bathroom duties I don't feel like explaining cause that is weird. so I walk down stairs and I see Kate and I walk right past her into the kitchen to get breakfast.

She comes in with a smile on her face and says "Jess we are doing another adoption day today so actually talk to people and not just sit their, if you want to get adopted you have to talk to people!" I look up at her and say "no one wants a kid my age I am to old and try all want little kids not me."

She frowns and says "just try for me and if not for me for yourself. don't you want to get out of here!?" I shake my head yes then she smiles and says "then try today. you never know what will happen!?" I smile and say "ok, I will try." she says "good girl!" then leaves me to myself to finish my pop tarts.

I finish them and head up to my room and granny I pod and head phones and walk down stairs and put my head phones in and sit on the couch. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kate look at me and frown and walk away so I took out my head phones and grabbed my drawing pad and started drawing a rose.

Then I started whisper singing DNA by Little Mix. then I heard someone walk into the room and I just ignored them cause it is probably Kate. the I heard someone that was a man say "what are you drawing?" and I said "a rose."

Then another voice that sounded like a girl say "what was that song you were singing?" I said "DNA by Little Mix, it is a really good song." then the girl voice said "well it is an ok song." I gasped and said "for your information you are insulting one of my favorite bands and that is one of their best songs ever!"

Someone laughed behind me and I think it was the guy. so I closed my art journal and put it under my arm and picked up my other stuff and stood up and said "this is no laughing matter sir you are insulting 1/2 of my favorite bands!"

Then the man said "what bus your second favorite band?' I said "they are called One Direction." then I heard the girl laugh. and I said "what is it with the laughing when this is not funny at all!?" then they both said "it is funny to us!"

And I said "how!?" then they said 'turn around!" So I turned around and gasped an said "y-y-you a-are p-p-Perrie e-Edwards and z-z-Zayn m-Malik!" They smiled and said 'yes an what is you name love?" I said "m-my name is Jessica but people call me Jess.

Then Zayn said "that is a very pretty name! and I said "thank you." and Perrie said "so how did you end up here?" I looked up at then and said "um well it deals with a very bad past." and they frowned and came down and sat on either side of me and said "you can tell us we won't judge you."

Then I started the story "when I was little my parents loved me and then they had my sister then they stopped paying attention to me and only focusing on her. I got home one day and went up to my room and I was waiting for my mom to call that dinner was ready and she never did. so I figured I should go down to see if it was ready or not, and when I got down their and they were eating and when I walked in my mom said 'oh your still here.' and I just started crying and ran up to my room. for a year they acted like I was never their till one day when I got home from school their was a not on the door and it read 'dear what ever your name is, we have left with your sister. we don't care about you any more we told your uncool you have to live with him now. don't try to contact is we have moved out of the country and changed our numbers. you will have to fend for your self till your uncoil feels like coming to get you. You were always a mistake and no one ever wanted you, so good bye forever! Sara & Nick. that didn't even sign as mom and dad they wrote their names and I waited for a mounts for my uncoil to come but he never did so when I was six I decided to leave and I just started to walk the streets with my stuff in two bags and then that's when Kate found me and she took me into this group home and she has been like a mouthed to me ever since then."

They both looked at me with tears in their eyes and then Perrie said "oh my god you poor little girl no one should have to go through what you did! then she hugged me. then Zayn said "it is ok you will be safe with us now!" then he hugged me to. when I was getting hugged by them I started crying. and they just started rubbing my back.

Then it hit me he said I would be safe with them what did that mean!? Then I looked at them and said "wait why did you say I would be safe with you?" then Rey smiled at each other and they said "we are gonna adopt you, you are perfect for us in every way possible."

I just sat their in shock then I said "you guys really want to adopt me!?" the said "yes we do." and I smiled and hugged both of them and then Zayn said "come on let's go fill out the paper work!" and I followed them to Kate's office.

Then try walked in an Kate said "ah, did you find the right kid?!" they said "yes we did!" and then they motioned me to come in so I did and Kate's eyes welled up and she said "see Jess I told you your day would come! please take good care of her she is like a little sister to me!"

They said "we will." then they filled out the paper work and I packed my things and we were off to our house. for once I actually have a home were people care about me!"

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