New home/ new people

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Hello I like writing this book it is a very good book and I just really get into it when I write so here ya go chapter number two!😃


(Jessica's POV)

The whole ride home they told me about their life and their friends and he house. and how my life will be awesome now and what my room is like and other stuff like that.

We pulled up to the house and I gasped and said "wow!" Then Zayn said "do you like it?" and I said "yes! it is beautiful!" Perrie smile at Zayn and said "good cause this is our new home." I smiled at them an they smiled at me then Zayn said "ok, let's get your bags and let you unpack while we make dinner."

We got out of the car and we walked into the house and then Zayn went into the kitchen and Perrie showed me to my room. Then she said "on so you can unpack and then we can eat dinner then we can talk a little after if you want?" I said "ok!" and she smiled and hugged me am left to help Zayn with dinner.

I finished unpacking and I plan on looking around the house later on tonight. just to know this place a little more. then Perrie yelled "DINNER IS READY!" and I went running down stairs and started looking for the kitchen. then I found it and walked in and they said "hi what took you so long?"

I said "I couldn't find the kitchen." they smile at me and said "ok well dinner is ready, I hope you like shrimp and rice." I smiled and said "I love that dish I love seafood so much!" We finished eating and Zayn did the dishes and then we walked into this massive room that had a huge tv.

Then we sat on this couch then they asked me a bunch of questions. "What is your favorite color?" "what is your favorite food?" "what is your favorite animal?" "what do you want to do when you grow up?" "What do you do in your spare time?"

I laughed an said "purple, salmon, pandas, an artist or a singer, and draw or sing." they smiled and then we went out separate ways. Once they were down stairs I decided to explore so I grabbed my art bag and started wandering around the house. I was walking and I found a huge empty room that looked like a studio.

I grabbed out my large panels of paper and hung one on the wall to start a drawing on. then I heard my dad yell something like "Jess were are you so I dropped everything and ran towArds his voice. and once I found him he said 'me and Perrie are having some friends over so I just wanted to let you know.

I said "ok." and he smiled and gave me a hug and walked away and u went back to the room. I put in my head phones and started singing along to Madhouse by Little Mix. then I started drawing a giant picture if a tiger.

Once the song ended I was done with the drawing of the tiger and then I heard people behind me say "wow! you are really good!" I turned around to see my new mom and dad and all their friends. their was seven of them.

I didn't know who they were at first till I recognized Jade and Liam. Then I knew it was their other band members. I dropped all my drawing materials and said "you all just heard me sing?" then Louis said "ya we heard you sing and saw you draw that beautiful picture."

I blushed and started to take it off the wall and then I stopped and turned off my music and put my I pod away. and pulled the picture down and folded it back up and put it away with the rest of my art supply's and then they said "come down to the living room when you are done" then left.

I said "ok." and then went to my room and put my art supply's away and then headed I put my iPod away in my night stand and headed towards the stairs and then I started down to the when I got I the bottom I went towards the living room.

I got down their and then my mom and dad said " Jess meet our friends." I smiled and said "hi." and they all waved the Perrie said "why didn't you tell us you could sing that well?" Then Zayn said "why didn't you tell us you could draw that well?" I smiled and said "cause I didn't think I was that good.

The Niall yelled "are you kidding me!? you are amazing!" I smiled and said "thank you." then Leah-Anne said "can you Sind a song for us?" I smiled and said "ok." The I started to sing catching my breath by Kelly Clarkson. I just started singing.

Then when I finished everyone stared at me in aww with their mouths hanging open and I laughed and then Jesy said "Perrie you adopters a mini Perrie!" we all started laughing and then I said "come on guys I am not that good." then that all yelled "YES YOU ARE!!"

I smiled and said "thanks guys." Then after of about a half hour of us all sitting their talking and laughing together they all went home and mom and dad and me all went to bed. I put in my head phones and fell asleep.

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