New day

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Hey guys new chapter so I hope you enjoy it!

(Jess's POV)

I woke up and got out of nicks bed, I walked into the living room to find him awake dressed and watching tv, I said "hey thanks for everything." he smiled at me and said "no problem."

I stood up and took off my coat and I began to take my bandages off, I took all my bandages off and I threw then our and looked at nick and said "well?" he was looking at me with his mouth hanging open he said "you look so smexy right now!"

We both started laughing ad I pulled on my jacket and I said "hey can you give me a ride back to the hotel?" he smiled an stood up and grabbed his coat and keys and said "sure." We walked outside and got onto his broke and he drove back to the hotel.

We got of his bike and walked inside and my whole family that I am hiding from we're sitting in the lobby. me and nick walked back in and that lay at the counter who's name is Mandy said "hey you to! what's up?"

I said "not much but I got tattoos last night." she said "no. let me see!" I laughed at how happy she was and I took off my coat and said "see." she ran around the counter and said "wow you actually look good with tattoos!"

I smiled and said "yep." popping the p, she said "I remember when you first got here how cute you were and now you that." She pointed to my tattoo that said badass. I started laughing and said "well people change and I had to."

She looked at me sad and then looked at them over my shoulder and she whispered to me "watch out their looking at you you don't want them to find out." I smiled at her and said "thank but no worries."

She said "ok Mick get your but to work and amber do what ever you want you live here." I laughed and said "ok, se ya later Nick, and Mandy!" They both waved and I saw Harry was staring at me I winked at him and he blushed, and I thought "he doesn't even know its me."

I walked into my room and changed into black skin tight jeans, black high heels, a white half shirt and I changed all my weir clings so they were all silver. I brushed my hair and patted it along the side so it swooped over one eye covering it. I grabbed my leather jacket and put my money in my braw, and my phone into my back pocket.

I walked out of my room and locked the door behind me and I made my way down to the lobby, I saw Mandy and she said "amber you change your cloths more often then I look in a mirror witch is a lot!"

I laughed and said "sure Mandy I see you looking in a mirror ever few minutes." she smirked and said "shut up ya little bitch." We both started laughing and I said "ok well I am going to the store you need anything?" She said "ya can you get me a tube of cherry berry lip stick?"

I said "yep, hoe about nick?" she shrugged and I yelled "nick!" he peeked out of the back room and I said "do you want anything from the store?" he said "yes can you get me some lunch please?"

I said "yes ok guys be back in a few!" I walked out side and got into my mustang and drove to the store, I got Mandy's lip stick and I got Nick a bag of chips and a lunch-able." I drove back to the hotel and I parked my car got out and locked it.

I walked in and gave Mandy her lip stick and she said "yes your a lifesaver darling!" I giggled and walked into the back room and said "hey nick got you lunch." he stood up an said "aw thanks so much!" he hugged me and I walked out of the back room.

Then Mandy said "hey j-Amber are tattoos permanent?" I looked at her and said "yes they stay forever." she shook her head and began to apply he lip stick. I walked across the lobby to the coffee machine and made a cup of coffee.

I grabbed it and walked back through the lobby and someone ran into me and I spilt coffee all over them I said "well now that's what you get when ya don't pay attention!" I looked up to see Harry, I walked around him and he just looked at me, I walked up to the front desk and threw the cup out in the trash can.

I fixed my hair and said "hey Mandy can you see my roots yet?" she looked at my hair am said "nope." and I said "so I don't have to re dye it?" she looked closer and said "nope your all good." I thanked her and when I turned around I saw harry was still looking at me.

I said "what?" he said "Jess?" in a very low whisper, my eyes got big and I stayed quiet and I ran to the elevator I made my way up to my room and locked the door behind me I heard yelling and I said "great just fucking fantastic they found me don't they know I did this for them!" the their was a knock at my door.


Ok guys so here was the new chapter so I hope you enjoyed it new chapter will be up soon!

❤Lots of love!❤


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