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Alright guys I decided to make a sequel I hope you like it I took a lot of time thinking about it and I decided to make it so please read my other books if you haven't already it would be very much appreciated!

❤Lots of love❤


(Jess's POV)

I woke up on the plane and I looked over to see Harry playing on his phone and Simon reading, I never expected to see that man pick up a book. The pilot said over the speaker "alright please fasion your seat belts we will be landing shortly."

We buckled our seat belts and Simon said to me "so Jess are you excited for your first performance tomorrow?" I smiled and said "yes I have never been so pumper for any thing!" he giggled and said "good cause their is gonna be millions of people watching you sing."

I said "wh-what!?" my voice cracked and harry grabbed my hand and said "its ok love you will do fantastic!" I smiled and said "thanks Harry!" then I hugged him. the plane landed and we got off and made our way into the air port.

We put on our glasses and put out hoods up and we walked over to get our luggage, we grabbed our bags and started to walk towards the doors where our limo would be.

We walked out the doors and their was a crowd of people waiting for us we kept our heads low and they didn't recognize us luckily maybe some of Niall rubbed off on us. we walked over and the driver opened the door and said "mr. Cowel, mr. Styles, mrs.Malik."

The fans turned around and we put our bags in the trunk and got in they started screaming and the driver speed off to our hotel. we pulled up and people took our bags to our room and we followed them.

We got to our room and it was huge it was on the top floor also the biggest room. we thanked Simon and he went to his room next door. me and Harry unpacked and then we watched a movie and ate Nutella.

I fell asleep on the couch and I felt harry pick me up and carry me into the room he laid me down in the bed and crawled in next to me and put his arm around my waist and he also fell asleep and I fell into a deeper sleep.

I woke up to some one playing with my hair, I turned around and my deep brown eyes were met by his emerald green ones and he just starred into my eyes like he was reading my mind.

I smiled and pecked his lips then got up and he pulled me back onto the bed an whined "no please can't we cuddle for a little longer!" I sighed and crawled back into the bed and cuddled up to his chest.

I woke up and started to pet his chest and he rolled over and said "five more minutes mommy!" I gasped and said "boy you best not be calling me your mother!" he grumbled something and roiled back over still asleep.

I hit him in the stomach an he jumped up and yelled "I'm up!" I smiled and said good now let's eat breakfast he said "fine!" An got up. I put on shorts am a tank top and DC high tops that were black and gold to match my black and gold shirt I threw over my tank top.

I walked out into the kitchen and started looking for food and then someone's arms rapped around my waist and Harry whispered in my ear "ya know love I didn't get my good morning kiss.' I turned around and saw him with basket ball shorts on and converse but no shirt on.

My breath cough in my throat and he kissed me and I kissed back we broke apart an he said "let's go down to the hotel buffe and get breakfast." then started to walk out.

I cleared my throat and he turned around an I said "your forgetting something." he said "no I'm not your right their love." I said "not me a shirt." he smiled and said "oh ya I forgot." then he ran off to the room and came back with a shirt on.

He smiled and said "is that better my princess?" I smiled and said "yes." then he pulled me out the door and to the elevator. We got in and I pressed the button that said lobby.

We got down their and grabbed a bunch of door and walked over to a table and ate. When we were done eating we threw out our junk and we started walking back to the elevator when the sounds of screens made us stop.

We turned around and saw a bunch of fans come rushing through the door. Harry put me on his back and ran for the stairs. he took the stairs three at a time and pushed a door to a lower floor and we saw all the girls go running through the door cause they thought we went that way.

We made it to the top floor and we walked into our room to see everyone standing their, I screamed and hugged all of them and then Simon came out and said "Jess you are officially going on your with One Direction and little Mix!"

I screamed and they said "we are family we have to stick together always no matter what, through hard times and easy and even all the little things." We all smiled and hugged in the middle of the hotel room and we even got Simon to join in the group hug.


How do ya guys like it so this was the sequel so this is the official ending of this book but I am making another book right now called A Night To Remember so please go read it it would mean a lot!

❤Lots of love❤


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