The truth

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Hey guy sorry about not updating my friend was having probs with her jerk of a boyfriend he went to another girls house and while he was their he text her saying they were over and she hasn't been taking it to well so I have been helping her get through this. sorry for the delayed update but here it is, again I am sorry for taking so long.😢

(Jessica's POV)

I was so nervous so I said the person I like is... then I just locked up I haven't even figured out witch one I like yet I like all of them but no I have to decide.

I looked at all the boys and said "guys I really like all of you and my mind hasn't come to terms yet and I don't know what to do I can't figure out witch one of you I like the most."

They looked at me and then Liam said "its all right love, we can wait a little longer but you have to make up your mind we all ewe ally want to know." the said while stroking my cheek.

I smiled at him and said "thanks Lili." Then he looked at my fave and said "I told you yesterday you don't need to wear makeup, you are amazayn just the way you are!' (see what I did their a pun and a quote.)

I smiled and then harry said "I have an idea how about you go on a date with each one of us four and then you might be able to make a choice."

Then I looked at Jim and said "what happens if I still can't make a choice?" then he said "we will keep trying." then Louis said "ok so first is Harry, then me, then Niall, then Liam.

Then I looked over at Liam and saw he was frowning and I walked over to him and put my hand on his cheek and said "its ok Lili I won't make a choice till the end of our date, ok don't worry Lili." then I kissed his cheek.

he smiled and said "ok, but I have the most time to plan our date so I don't mind I can make sure it is extra special. I smiled and said "good, now I have to go out on a date with harry! wait I am just gonna tell him i only like him as a friend."

I walked up to harry and said "hazza sorry but I only like you as a friend no more no less I am sorry but it is never gonna happen." hi looked at me in shock and said "what I always win the girls how is this possible!? you have to chose me you have to I will make you pick me!"

Then mom and dad came running out and mom grabbed me and dad threw Harry into the wall. Then my dad said "stay away from my daughter harry you don't deserve her you hear me!? The rear of you boys can continue with the dates and stuff you all are good for my daughter some are better then others but go ahead but harry is a big nono!"

Then Louis jumped off the couch and came walking over an said "well it is my turn are you ready?" I smiled and said "yerp all ready!" he smiled and we left. we pulled up at this arcade and I lolled at him and he said "I thought you could use some fun with all this pressure being put on you."

I smile and said "thanks Lou." then we got out of his car and walked in for about a half hour we played games then we walked back to our table and for another half hour we sat their eating out pizza.

When we walked out of the arcade we got into his car the he said "I am sorry about hazza he is so used to girls falling into his lap that when he don't get a girl he likes he gets angry." I sighed and said "its fine I didn't like him anyways I never did I only liked him as a friend and you Lou you are like a brother to me."

His smile dropped and he said "you like me as your brother?" I said "ya Lou you are like the brother I have always wanted you are funny and really cool and you bring me to fun places I love having you boys as family but I feel more fore some of you then others."

He smiled and said "well I understand I love ya too sis!" And I laughed and said "well love ya too bro!" We laughed and joked all the way home. when we got home it was 7:00PM and next was Niall and when we walked in Niall walked over and "ready to go?" and Lou said "by sis!" and I said "by bro!"

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