Second day

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Hey my readers I hope ya like it so far this is a fun book to write and so I am continuing. so, well, here is the new chapter hope ya like it.😀


(Jessica's POV)

I woke up the next morning to find out my I-pod was missing an I started to freak out.(I do this all the time!) I ran down stairs and I saw mom and dad.

Then I said "mom and da have you seen my i-pod?" they looked at me in shock an Perrie said "did you just call us mom and dad?" I said "yes you are my mom and dad." they smile and said "we just didn't expect it this soon."

Then I said "so did you see it!?" they smiled and said 'we got rid of it." then I screamed "WHAT!?!?!?" then Zayn said "wow calm down we got you a new I-phone and transferred every thing."

I smiled and said "sorry it is just my i-pod is like my sidekick it is my music buddy." they smiled and shook their heads understanding what I was saying an handed me a new I-phone 5.

I said thanks and walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Then I heard mom talking to someone so I put my head phones in an put on Salute by Little Mix. then I started singing along.

Then I grabbed a Sunny D and started drinking it. then I put the cap back on and walked out o the kitchen singing the song. then I heard giggled behind me as I was singing the song. I ignored it and kept singing.

Then I heard talking behind me and I turned around to see mom, Jesy, Jade, and Leah-Anne smirking at me and then it hit me I was singing one of their songs. I turned of the music and rapped up my head phones and put them in my pocket.

They smiled at me and Jade said "nice song!" I smiled and Leah-Anne said "ya you sang it really well." I smiled and Jesy said "Perrie you really did adopt a mini you!" we all started laughing an Jest said "I am serious!'

I smiled and said "no mom is way better than me!" and Perrie turned to me and said "I am never gonna get used to you calling me that." she said almost in tears of joy.

I walked over to her and hugged her and then she said "you are just as good of a singer as I am if not better." I smiled and said "thanks mom." then Zayn an all the guys came in and Zayn said 'wow what did I miss and why is Perrie crying!?"

Jade said "well jess came out singing out song salute and then she called Perrie mom and Perrie started crying tears of joy and then Jess hugged Perrie and then you walked in."

Zayn looked at me and Perrie and me and her smiled and shook our heads and he smile and came over and hugged us both. then all try boys said "we missed he singing!? aw man! we wanted to hear it!"

I started laughing and said "maybe I will sing later, maybe we can play karaoke later." Then they all yelled "yas!" then Louis yelled "I am gonna kick your but Jess!" I smiled and said "bring it tommo!" Then he jumped over the couch and dove on top of me and then all five of the boys jumped on me and started to tickle me.

Then they said "tell us who you like out if us or we won't let you go!" Then she says "d-do I h-h-have to t-tell you j-just one or c-can I tell y-y-you a r-r-r-range?" they said "range!" Then they stopped tickling me and sat up and I said "I like Niall, Liam,Louis, and Harry, that the order I like you guys.

Then Harry frowned and said "how come you don't like me most!?" and I said "I just don't like you!" then he got up and walked away and the other three smiled and said to each other "game on boys!" and I said "yes game on boys!"

Then we got up and went to go eat dinner. We got in their and we saw it was sushi and I screamed "YYAAASSSSS!" And ran over dove at the table and grabbed the sushi and started saying "my precious, my precious!"

They started laughing at me then we all ate. then we went back out into the living room and started karaoke. I was against Niall first and we decided to sing Swagger Jagger by Cher Loyd.

I smoked him on that song and he got sad. I beat all the other people except for Louis. and he was my last competitor. he said "get ready to get taught by the master Jess!" I laughed and said "get ready to say goodbye to Kevin and all your precious carrots Lou!"

He gasped and said "how dare you threaten me with my weaknesses!" I smiled and said "let's go Lou be prepared!" then Lou decided on the song Up All Night by One Direction. I said "really Lou you picked one o your songs!?"

He smiled and said "yes now get ready to lose!" Then we started to sing, once the song was over and we saw the scores I yelled "HA I NEW I WOULD BEAT YOU AND I EVEN SANG YOUR PART AND I STILL NEAT YOU HAHAHAHA!" then he said "shut up! you daughter is a cheater!"

Everyone started laughing and I said to Lou "better say your goodbyes to Kevin and your carrots now!" he gasped and ran off leaving me smiling and everyone else laughing like hyenas.

Then Lou came running back in and said "ha you will never find them now!" I smiled and said "oh really they are under your pillow Lou." his eyes got big.

I ran into his room grabbed Kevin and his carrots and threw the fake bird out the window and yelled "FLY KEVIN FLY!" then I opened all the bags of carrots and threw then into the mud.

Then Louis came running over and yelled "NOOOOOO KEVIN AND MY BEAUTIFUL CARROTS!!!!" I smiled and laughed and walked back into the living room and told them what I did and Lou came walking out and said "why Jess why?"

then Harry ran over and hugged him and started petting his head. then I yelled "LARRY STYLESON IS REAL!!" and everyone started dying laughing.

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