Talking with simon/ the end

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Hey my lovelies! So this book will be ending in this chapter I am so sorry my lovelies but this book is over I am gonna be making a new book called Vampire Ball so please read it it would mean a lot! I have had a ending planed for this book and I really wanted to type it an I wanted to start a new book do please read my new book thank my lovelies!

(Jess's POV)

He said "Jess your song was a hit they love it and they are offering you a career I I don't want you first so write me a few song and then record them then send them to me and if I like them I will take you and if I don't I will let them have a look."

I said "ok." Still in shock that people actually liked my singing and thought u was good at it! we walked out and I hugged Liam and told him what happened and he said he was proud if me and that he loved me and he would support me through this.

I told them all what happened and they all were so happy for me. latter that night me and Liam were *up all night*(see what I did their) we write five songs and drank a shit lode if coffee! in the morning we all went to a recording studio and recorded me singing the songs an sent then to Simon

He Messaged me back dating he loved them and he would keep me he also told me I had to start your in three days so I better get ready I am touring with 5sos and I can't wait it should be fun!

It was in the second day when it happened I was talking with Liam and he said "why don't you tell Simon no and stay here with me?' I was shocked! I god angry and said "Liam you know this is my dream and if you won't support me and are trying to tell me to not follow my dream for you i don't think this is gonna work out!'

He looked at me with anger in his eyes and said 'so you are following your dream instead if staying with me!?" I was so angry that I didn't even think of the next words that came out of my mouth they just did they were "YOUR AS BAD AD HARRY LIAM! IF YOU REALLY LIVED ME YOU WOUL TELL ME TO FILLOW MY DREAMS AND THAT YOU WOULD SUPIRT ME BOT THIS?! WERE OVER!!!!"

Then I walked away and as I was walking away Liam said "fine I never liked you anyway I was just darting you to piss if Harry!' that really hurt I turned around and slapped him and said "you know what I am sorry for, falling in live with an ads hole!"

Then I walked of as soon as I turned the corner if the hallway I grabbed my coat phone and money and ran out the front door balling my eyes out heading to the one place that I can have a clear mind and just not worry about this type of shit, the park.

I ran to the park and ran over to the swings I sat in one and just cried until I heard some one say "hey miss are you ok?' I looked up to be meet with a pair if bright green eyes who belonged to no other than harry.

Them he said "Jess?! are you ok?! what happened?! I looked at him and said "Hi Harry, no I am not ok and Liam happened.' he looked at me worried and then I told him the while story, after u told him he just hugged me and said "I have to tell you something to."

I looked at him and he said "when I was in your room I was not trying to kidnap you I was gonna tell you about Liam but he kicked my ass before I could and I didn't lite your house on fire Liam did it and I was gonna bring the stuff to the dump he had been using you this whole time and every time I tried he would get in the way."

I was shocked! was what he was telling me true?! I didn't have a clue. then he said *"from the first moment I met you everything changed I knew I had to get you what ever the pain."* (See what I did their? if not comment and I will tell you)

I started smiling cause I new what he said was true by the look on his face then he said "I told Liam that I liked you and he won you over but all I wanted to do was *make you mine.* but you loved him and I was trying to stop it before he hurt you. in the game if trying or dare I wanted to kiss you but Liam looked like he knew what I was thinking and threatened me so I kissed Jade."

Then he said "I know you probably don't believe me but I t-think I l-l-love you J-Jess!" then it hit me like a ton of bricks he was the one all along! then he got up and began to walk away but I got up and grabbed his arm and turned him around and said "H-Harry you were the one all along I was just scared and I couldn't tell that Liam is my darkness and you were my Beacon of light in that darkness and harry I think I live you too!'

He smiled an hugged me and then he pulled me into a passions yet sweet and gentile kiss and then the sprinklers turned on and we broke apart and we were smoked by now and we were both laughing I wiped the wet curls that were stuck to his face away and smiled then he looked me in the eye and said "Jess would you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and said "yes Harry I would love to."

We kissed then headed home we walked home hand in hand and we opened the door an walked in and my parents started asking a million questions and then I explained everything then da said "I am so sorry Harry! I shouldn't of judged you and blamed everything that Liam did on you I am do sorry man!' then he hugged Harry and I smiled then when they broke apart I told them about me and Harry.

Then my mom said "good at least this one it true and you better be good to our daughter styles!" He smiled and said "will do!" then dad cracked his knuckles an said "ok now were us that bastard Liam I am gonna kick his ass!' then dad stormed off.

Then u heard yelling then a few screams then I saw dad carry Liam down the stairs and throw him out the door an slam it closed. then he walked over and said "he won't be coming near you ever again!" We all started laughing and then went to bed.

I woke up from sleeping and then harry told me that he loved me and that he will always Support me and that I will do great an that he will be back before I leave, then he left.

I only had an hour left till I leave then Harry ran in the door and said "babe guess what?!" u smile and said "what?" he smiled and said "so I went to talk with Simon and he sad I can come on tour with you!' I started screaming and jumping up and down and then jumped on Harry and kissed him and then Simon came walking in and said "ok you two go get packed we leave in 30mind hurry up!"

Me and harry ran to our rooms and packed in record time we ran down stairs and said our good byes everyone was crying cause we would be gone for three years. then we left with Simon we drove to the airport an when we got on the plane Simon started drinking tea Harry started reading and I fell asleep on his shoulder.


YAY happy ending!!!!

so comment how many of you guys judged harry on his saposed actions that were taken the wrong way?

So how did ya guys like the ending?

Sorry if this seemed rushed but it wasn't it was actually really hard ending this book it is really sad to say it is over. but their may be a sequel in the future!

Hoped ya guys liked this book so read my other book please it is called Vampire Ball please comment in the first chapter and tell me how it is

❤Lots of love❤


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