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So even tho no one reads these I'mma post it anyway.


I'm so shocked but happy to say that this book finally got to 15K reads like holy crap, thank you so much!

I don't really publish what I write on here anymore, and this book seems so poorly written to me now, but thank you so much to everyone who has read this or is reading it as I type this.

I've grown up alot since I wrote this book and I'm not the same person, so it's a little weird to go back and see stuff like this; but it makes me happy to know I did something right that year and that people seem to enjoy reading this, that's honestly the only reason it's still here.

But it means alot to me that you do, so thank you so much for continuing to read this book (even tho the quality is very poor) that i finished in 2014 like wow. Thank you for the new reads and likes I see daily, I appreciate it alot.

Much love,


Adopted by Zerrie (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora