Cake always Solves a Problem!

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A week already have pass and (Y/N) was allowed to come back home with Gracie from her aunt. Grandmother Martha was having affairs and meeting with her court investigating Lisa's accident. Frank was now well and is currently back at his job. He wasn't hurt like Lisa.


I can't believe I'll be attending classes again when I just finish studying and learning everything in the makers realm. True our land was invaded and isn't in our control but we still have a wee patch of lands unharm from the darkness spreading. I spend my entire last week with my aunt and my annoying cousins since they're like Gracie but I was totally like a queen in there they follow my bidding if I have desserts.
Frank is now well and comes home rarely since he always visits mom. Unknowing she would never wake up until we save her soul. Lisa's soul is surely bait for us to lure out.

Tired and worth out of my all day school work I lay at the couch totally alone in the house since they wanted Gracie to be left behind for her safety. She was only half maker no harm would come to her but make her hostage but she's valuable to me then you're messing with the wrong princess. Taking a nice relaxing bath in the tub full of bubbles and yes it was all peach scented.

I shouldn't be thinking of this. Oh I really wanna taste those peachy lips again. Oh hell no why of all things why that, why him? He's so irresistible wait stop it! I'm still a sound Maker and he's an old old Fae. Yeah that seems right,that's not normal. Stop stop stop it! I'm a maker and yes a princess but no no no he's a fae it's normal I mean their kind loves to seduce young women into their bed. Oh no wait! I welcome him in my bed more than couple, oh my God! Did he do anything while I was in my deep sleeps? That's it my mind is messing with me. I didn't enjoy my relaxing bath even though God Father told me to try calm and relax stuff off before I'll destroy anything.

I don't wanna go back being nuts that last time I did that was clearly a war between the dark creatures trying to invade the pixie realm where I was commission to fight with them as a fellow pixie soldier in disguise.

The Queen of Pixies, Follie is our ally she was the best spy her people were. As her Princess and future Queen it was my duty to protect her during that time. So I may have over did the process by killing all the dark creatures at just my stance and cold glare at them.

They we're tortured and were turn into dust right after screaming their lungs off. Lucky no one saw me since I head off early. Only Queen Follie saw everything the Queen was too afraid to even talk at me at those days. I never remembered anything but it took awhile to get her trauma out. That's why I have to remain calm at most times.

I stomp my feet like mad. I never got to say goodbye over my new friends in the Goblin kingdom but I can sneak off and see them but the risk is too much. There's no knowing what's on Jareth's head.

Slipping over my pajamas with baby blue stripes all over it. I lay down my bed but I still couldn't sleep. My stomach was rumbling now. Midnight snack hurray or not like every time Jareth was here I offer my peach delicacies to him.

Peaches traumatized me but that wouldn't stop me from eating them. I stand up and was still pissed about all that happen. I mean it was his job but has he subtract two hours from me, send me in the bog then the junkyard. The dance was the best I mean the worst.

Greatest thing that he had done oh no stop it hormones! Standing and dragging myself to walk which I was so lazy to do.

When suddenly lightning and thunder just happen in front my window. A figure slowly rises from the smoke and glitter. I should be afraid but nope I wasn't.

"Do you always have to have an amazing entrance? "

He smirked at me. He was in his full goblin king regalia, it always makes him look dashing.

I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now