Found You!

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I find myself awake at my room at the middle of the night, I could feel a strange aura coming in fast. I went outside to find Thorin and warn him about something. I quicken up my pace by teleported to his room no he wasn't there nor in the garden so I went to the throne room still none.  I saw Balin and Dwalin and I immediately gave them my letter of I felt off. Balin looks at me and Dwalin ask me if I wasn't joking and I shook my head with Balin believing the generals we're called upon and even Thorin was there now. 

No one believed me except Balin and Thorin I don't know I couldn't read what he was thinking. With everyone loud and yapping why they should follow my instinct the door opens with a loud this with a fellow dwarf running over and trip over the carpet. We all can agree we should laugh but Kili did and Fili closed his brother's mouth.

"Urgent news my King the front alliance has been broken down immediately without mercy and the leprechaun realm was attacked yesterday it wasn't known until now since it didn't last that long but They are attacking at all different angles! All of them are coming!  Are coming! Many of them are heading towards our realm!" he yelled and tried to breath.

"Breath in lad can't understand a word you're babbling about! " said Bombur a fat dwarf I just meet but I knew him.

"Said the dwarf who always talk with his mouth full! " said Bofur.

"The Night Realm... " I whispered I was surprise I could talk now and they looked amazed but back to the problem.

"With slight opportunities they could take. They have tore away the weak borders and barriers set by the Queen also I received news just today that two days ago the Goblin Realm has been attacked too and the King's bride was stolen away."

Yep that was totally me. The dwarves who carefully  brought me here looked at me as I nodded. Thorin looked in pain, I knew this was coming shortly. The borders weaken since I was poisoned, I felt so useless as a Queen.  I shouldn't be thinking or feeling this way right now.

I shook up my head and rose my hand in the centre of the table. Their a little scene from outside where the muspels and ghouls were now overflowing are shown. They we're pouring from all sides heading over. The night realm has definitely have big attempts to find me. I felt bad that Thorin and his men have to dealt with this.

"Everyone geared up and place your positions in this invasion."

All the Generals bow down and leave.  Thorin was the last who patted my shoulder.

"Thank you for the warning... " I smiled and replied.

"I'll offer my assistance in aid as thank you. "

"You're probably going to over thank me again but thank you too. " he smiled and grabbed my hand putting something inside then left.

"In case I'll fail to return. " he said.

I looked after and realised it was the key of the dwarf realm.

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I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now