Goblin's Love

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The day I prayed Celestia's help for me to finally marry my one longed love for millennials I waited so far until now it's now or never.

Our wedding, she looked divine in her dress and more breath taking with her hair all down like the night painted in her. Her smile radiates like the brightest star inside her luminous skin made of moon's light.

My beloved (Y/N)  are becoming in one forever as long as we live.

After the party or it did ended when we found out the bride is barely fluttering her eyes as she sat in her seat waiting for the guests to bit farewell. A proper farewell and tradition we need to do before going to our rooms but they all secretly went outside now that they found out she was sleeping in her seat.

She looks like a blissful nymph just resting there.  With all guests gone now I carried her to bed and let her rest.

When morning came by she was all dressed up on her first day as Queen before I even woke up doing things assigned and were obliged to her because of her well responsibility and care for each subject a month after our marriage I can't barely see a chicken running in the halls for she asked for a farm to be built for the chicken and have controlled chicken population by giving them free to the goblin citizens or in trade to other kingdoms. Now we are known fir well quality eggs, milk and pork cause goblins are used to mud. They can take care pigs and cows more.

We have trade of strong metals from the dwarven kingdom in support of strengthen our army and fine cloth and silk from the elven realm.  The mermaids well we don't get well cause goblins will pollute their Waters and talk about the fire realm I almost killed Apollo if my wife didn't calm me down first and think thoroughly of avoiding war.

So much was done with a fair,  kind and incredibly intelligent ruler at my side. My burden has become more bearable than the last years.

(Y/N)  has a way of doing her things like a mother to the Goblins they were cursed human children or the wished away children that wasn't adopted.

Also Gracie has been living with us now in the Goblin Kingdom sometimes carrying two small goblin soldiers and ask them to have tea with her. I chuckled at that scene it's like she's already my daughter than a little sister.

A month it was well spend with a Queen at my side I couldn't ask for more. I sighed at the thought in my room. I meant our room looking outside the window while writing my papers before the sun falls.

A knock was heard after I wrote the last sentence and permit.

"Come in! " I said.

"Hello Jareth!" She said in a sweet tone and kissed my cheek.

"What can I do for you my love? " asking her clearly she has something in mind now.

"How bout we'll have some tea with your mother? "

"Hmmm absolutely, I just finish my papers and I'll have Gerry deliver the news. "

"Wise decision as it is as always Jareth. "

I like it when she compliments me like a boost in my confidence. Smiling like a totally idiot we made way to the gardens.

It couldn't get better the view was gorgeous with colors painted like watercolors mixed up to cover the sky. I was with two of my most favorite women to be with,  my mother and my wife also little Gracie playing with a bunny that hopped by the garden.

"Jareth? " my mother asked.

"Yes mother? "

"I know you and (Y/N)  has been running the kingdom so smoothly and so well I guess that it's time for you both to have an heir. "

I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now