One Does Not Simply

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The dwarf realm was save, once after the war ended with the remaining muspels, ghouls, orcs,  and other night realm monsters went back to the portal they conjured the dwarves, and elvens screamed in victory. For this is a great alliances of friendship between two great and powerful kingdoms. The crystal puppets and rock soldiers all vanishing after a huge blast of energy was released.

On the other hand Thorin was badly wounded right after he killed Azog that the dwarves feared of losing their king and so was Fill and Kill on the verged of death but was lucky saved and healed by great elf healers.

Thandruil meet up with Dis after going back to the kingdom after the battle.

"Princess Dis of Durin I have a present from the Queen."  Said the elven king and gave a small box to Dis which she bowed then accepts it.

She opened it to find three golden balls of makers blood and a vile filled with the Queen's miraculous healing tears.

"Drop it in the ground and your land will be restored and no need of assembly or rebuilding the damages of your borders the Queens magic would do the trick also for the tears please pour it in the water fountain for everyone to use." Said Thandruil with a proud stance.

"It is an honour milord and thank you for handling to them me. "  she bowed later on and did what she was told. Right after the damaged wall as were rebuilding themselves as golden colors have moved with the dwarf realm restoring the destroyed and damage parts of the great kingdom also plants, crops and tree grew as well. The dwarf people smiled as their land was saved.

Thandruil and his men were invited right after that a huge feast was prepared in the night for all to celebrate their victory.

For Jareth was with his bride in another room in the dwarf palace. The same room she was offered when she was terribly ill.


For three days I've searched I finally found my beloved (Y/N)  I couldn't be more happy and contempt to have her in my arms again. Of course I haven't sleep until now I'm assured she's here.

Using that massive amount of powers should have drained her out to sleep for about three days too but at least I have her now. Princess Dis already told me that she was better off let to rest in nature's touch to recover much faster so I accepted the advice and is now with her outside the dwarf palace near the pond they once brought her, here too. 

I gently carried her near the pond where her feet touched the gentle waves. She moved a little and snuggled to me more. She's maturing to a fae more faster now, I should have done this long ago but I didn't. Perhaps she'll be up tomorrow and be ready for us to leave.

I already informed Queen Follie,  Grandfather and Mother that I already found her back and there's nothing to worry now.

These attacks have been getting on my nerves they, the night realm seem to attack on every damn opportunity they have. A weak spot in the barrier and there they attacked!  I was so lost in thought if there's a pattern of what they're plotting about.

When I hear (Y/N)  murmured.

" it's cold..... "

I snapped my fingers and little devas of comforting flames not harmful surrounded us for warmth. She awfully looks exhausted but she's rather getting a bit of color back. Little lights of blues have danced in the pond towards her feet that I was happy it was working.

She looked more healthy than the first time I watched her fell down. With a few more minutes I should brought us both in the dwarf palace to safely sleep the night though I hope I can but the dwarves and elves we're having a huge party and I was also invited but I told them I would skip it to take good care of my bride which Kili and Fili, King Thorin's nephew laughed and said that (Y/N)  can take good care of herself quite well after what great aid she has given to the Dwarf Kingdom she should have a statue built in her honour. I was so proud yet I bit goodnight and thanked the offer.

I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now