His Brother?

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Pic above is Cornelius, Jareth's brother and still calls himself Cornelius even in the mortal world. Then don't worry I already have a draft for the wedding.


Early morning came at David's Manor and I was disturbed from my slumber when light of rays hit my sleepy eyes. I mumbled and cursed it. I didn't want to wake up after an awesome visit from the borders with Gracie. After celebrating last night I rest at my quarters with Gracie since I didn't wanna waste an opportunity or I was being sarcastic and overprotective over her like what my grandmother was when I was little then the others slept at the guest rooms. It may be a night spend in the mortal realm but it feels like a couple of centuries for us both. I hope Gracie won't be pressure with her little mind about these stress stuff. She's three but already like wise and knowledgeable about what's happening although she doesn't need to act Ms. Princess here. We proceed with her basic spells and chants then her dancing skills. Since she needs to be flexible in battle but also stern. We wouldn't need her to carry a little sword but magic is enough to protect her for awhile. I shaken her little frail body and kissed her cheek.

"Gracie it's time to wake up... "

"Not now mommy just five more minutes... " She calls me Mama or Mommy or Mom now since she got use to it after a long time bonding in the borders after the following nights since I find out.

Her words muffled and she wrapped herself with the blankets.

"Gracie it's (Y/N)...."

She jumped up from her bed and her hair all messed.

"Oh were in the mortals realm! "

"Shush!... Calm down or he'll heard you."

"Right I look small? "

She frowned and watched and feel her little hands and feet. Then we headed down the bathroom to get the tub running.

"Bet that right I have stretch time for awhile and you're stuck with that feeble body until time passes here or when you wanna grow up but not now. "

"Why don't you tell him now? "

She was a bit grumpy and I sighed, removing her sleeping dress and letting her in the tub.

"I need time.... Also Jareth then... "

I stopped rubbing her scalp with shampoo and think of another excuse. I didn't trust myself too well if o didn't trust anyone then it's because of me.

"Don't worry (Y/N) everything will work out somehow although. I'll stick to plan! "

She smiled and enthusiastically splashed some water at me to wake me up.

"Thank you Gracie. I'm sure you'll make a great Queen someday."

"But I won't let you die (Y/N) I'm learning as fast as I could now so well be together always! "

I gave her a faint smile and removed the bubbles off her hair and wrapped my hands around her.

"Hmmm.. That's nice always... "

It can't.... Visions, dreams and prophecy always sealed my faith to death just along the past Queens. There we're lucky enough to pass away willing and free.

I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now