The Revelation

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Thank you guys for following me sorry I can't post a message at your message box. The signal is quite low here... Anyway thanks...


After last night she creep out of Davids arms and walk in the bathroom. Closing the door and pouring salt in the window and door. She fill up the tub and dive in there when she came out, she was in the lake one that is in the Underground. She was tired, drained and weak after last night. Regaining her strength with natures help. She wasn't a fae but also makers or mermaids needs too rest and suck out life form all that surrounds them. Since the Underground is filled with magic she thought it would be easier to restore her powers fast. Can't have David looking for her so she needs to reorder time too which is tiring. Swimming around with her gorgeous tail, shimmering scales. She rested in a trees roots growing beside the water and just sat there with half her body in the water. She was feeling much more better but still exhausted. A gray owl landed and sat near her above the tree she rested then it talked.

"I'm quite surprise you're stuck in a weak state my Queen. "

"Jareth was terrible last night... I feel like I can't walk nor swim! " she sighed and rest her heavy head on the root.

"Well behalf on my grandson I apologize since he doesn't know. Your Grandmother Sarah was like this too and far more worst when pregnant."

"I'm scared being pregnant now. I still have a war to won. I'm always stress... Even now.... "

"Don't worry I'll have time reorder for you don't waste your powers over little things."

"The little thing can grow and spread from a seed to a tree... "

"Then I'll just cut it down."she chuckled then replied.

"It doesn't always end up happily it can be tragic too."

She took a few more swims before she decided she was all healed up and ready to go back.

Days came in quickly and she did alter some things in the past with God father's help. All she needs to do is bring David in the theater to watch the movie with her it's been almost two weeks and the movie is release early in France. It was their last day staying there. She and Jim Henson (somehow the movie was created now and Jim is still alive) were friends and she was one of the producers of the movies he made. Having this one made was special and somehow a secret. Jim doesn't know anything about her being the Queen and as a manipulator she has convince his mind to make this movie possible through dreams, her writings disguise as a writer and God father's help.

"David love we need to be in the theatre now. I heard a famous director made his own version of the Goblin King. Grandfather told me so."

"A movie about the Goblin king?  Mostly they made him look like a mutant frog that's why I dislike it."

"No they're not having a frog king. They say the actor is quite handsome. He's a musician, painter and actor too, I think umm.. David Jones was his name then the co star is Jennifer Conelly she'll be Sarah, and she's a lovely girl."

"Funny my Grandmother's name was Sarah too although I never meet her. She died early."

"I'm sorry... God father doesn't tell about her that much but grandmother is the only one who talk stories about her."

"The old man is broken hearted. He will be cursed in loneliness and despair until the end of his days.... " his smile turned into a frown.

"Don't talk like that David.. Now where's my jolly good show husband!" She poke his cheek and made him smile which he chuckled and took a small peak at her lips.

I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now