Fooling Myself

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I never wanted to bring the mortal to the kingdom well it wasn't me but both my nieces helped along to bring the unconscious woman to the kingdom. Well she was in Balin's room in the castle all asleep and drop like dead. I did believe she couldn't speak the potion could damage her throat and would take few days and she'll be fine after all if she's a bride of a high born fae in here she's been granted immortality.

I never did want to confess but she was a beauty alright. Long black hair that frames her pale smooth face that's young and full of color even if she was completely drained alongside she must be taken away while sleeping to dealt that she's on her night robe.

Any being could fall madly in love with her that's why I ordered all the men who helped bringing her to not visit her until she's awake or who knows what they'll do. Also I could trust Balin but Fili and Kili those idiots were already blushing the first time they saw her helpless in the ground.

I wanted to dispose of her quickly but I don't wanna give her up. I know I've been captivated even with her sleep and weak aura she can attract beings to her feet. I know I'm being selfish but I think I kinda want to keep her until the time is right perhaps maybe she'll stay with me.

Wait what am I thinking?  Me, Thorin Oakshield in love with a mortal by first glance. I must be mad!  I stood up from my bed since I couldn't fall asleep as I'm thinking about her. Why why great gods!  Why?  Why am I held captive!?  I walked outside my room and grabbed my furr coat. Walking in the halls,  passing on each door then I never knew I was heading to Balin's room. What a disaster! 

I slowly tried to pick open the door but it was open not locked!  When I told Balin to lock it. I looked around but she wasn't around and Balin is all asleep in the couch. Where is she?  That's when I hear small steps in the halls.

I held on my sword on my side and silently pace to the sound. Then I saw her walking slowly and supporting herself on the side of the walls.

Where is going at this late of hour?  Is she mad!  Well I am of what she's doing to herself I knew I was cold to her

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Where is going at this late of hour?  Is she mad!  Well I am of what she's doing to herself I knew I was cold to her. I was hiding in the dark just following her as she walk around the castle like she knew the walls so well.

She must be a spy but I need proof first or my men would hate me killing off this little flower.
We were at a secret compartment now that she was likely following something like someone was calling her.

She opens a wall with a turn or a torch on the wall. Leading us to my grandmother's garden which my grandfather built for her. It was enchanted really greens growing everywhere and tall structures my grandmother used to look at her flowers at the top of the pavilion.

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