We're going on a trip?

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"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship"

"Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins"

Oh wait this is the labyrinth..... Ohhhh....
Back to the story.... Sorry I missed this show... Hehehehe....


"So want do you have in mind? "

She was digging in with her pancakes. Who knew she would be this weak after last night. David felt like he could carry a huge boulder today but he really can without breaking a sweat. In truth he was draining (Y/N) by sucking her powers accidentally without knowing. He didn't knew she was a maker and as for female faes they do act weak and sluggish after doing so. This characteristic was same for both creatures.

"How bout horse riding? "

"Even if we can find a range but I know a place and judging by your looks. I'm pretty sure you have one but I think my feminity (you know what I mean) is going to be ripped apart! "

She hit his arm but not so much to threw him away to the wall just almost a small hard pat.

"Okay okay I guess I went to hard last night! "

"Geesh... Think of another one! That doesn't evolve too much walking..."

He chuckled as she send a death glare.

"What to do?... to do? do? do?... "

He was done with his pancakes and wiped his mouth with the clean towel. Constantly tapping his fingers.

"A stroll in the beach? "

"That I can manage but isn't it far far far away dear? "

"The carnival? "

"Roller... Coas--"

"Up ta ta ta no um how bout just us in the gardens?.. "

He raised his brow and smirked and she smiled patting her lips done with her breakfast and drank her milk.

"I'm interested...Doing what ?"

She stood up and gathered the empty plates, glasses and silverware with him helping.

"Painting! "

She was at the sink doing the dishes with him patting the wet plates dry.

"Oh... That's a good idea! I'm great at it wanna bet? " she smirked.

"Hmmm... You're playing well so I'll bet on what? "

"If I win we'll go to the movies next, next week! "

He smiled and kissed her cheek then twist his hand near her face like performing a trick, magically summoning to thin papers.

"If I'll win we'll go on a trip! "

"Shut up! "

He laughed and gave her one kissing her temple. She was surprised horribly surprised. Was her eyes lying! She couldn't believe what she saw.

"We're going to Paris! "

"Yep just the two of us... I was serious about spending the honeymoon outside the states (country) " said David.

He wrapped his hands behind her and kissed her neck.

"No kidding alright! I'm already having a headache thinking of the bills! "

Turning off the faucet and drying her hands with a near by towel.

She did visited France a couple of times long ago. She even lived in there once as a court lady serving Queen Antoinette. Of course the monarchy system didn't last long and the revolution starts the reign of terror. She escaped the war in disguise as an owl watching as the once Queen had her head cut off. She pitied the woman, she was young when she was married and wasn't tutor that much preparing of becoming a Queen. She was one of Queen Antoinette's favorite servants because of her intelligence and as a friend. She couldn't saved her but she did tried, she revealed herself to her and promised to saved her only in exchange of becoming one of her subjects but the Queen refused and smiled. She said she didn't want to leave her duties especially her children, it was her fault and she must tend things right even if she had to die. She grieved her friend's death, it wasn't the first time someone died in front of her it was countless uncountable deaths of her comrades, people, friends, family and subjects. Having a trip there will surely cost since she did lived there once an it cost a fortune.

I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now