First Dinner with ?

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Goblin king Jareth of the Labyrinth with his Bride Lady (Y/N) has arrived!!! The goblin announced with his head high then bowed down afterwards.

Jareth pulled her chair and let her sat before he did. She didn't see who was the guests yet even if there's only two. But she did notice it one one them was looking at her so straight it making her sick but she knew too well who it is. Only one person who hate her and that's....

"Oberon stop making (Y/N)  uncomfortable with your glare... " Said Titania in a whisper and step on her husbands foot. They both sat at the edge of the table with Jareth on the other other with (Y/N). The fae couples look so magnificent in their clothes of gold and coral hues a perfect match for them.

"(Y/N)!!!  It's so nice to see you again, my you look exquisite tonight!" Said the Queen in a happy tone of her sweet voice as she smiled while Oberon rolled his eyes.

"My thank you for the compliment my Queen..." She replied back and titled her head a little.

"Oh heavens it's not we're at a formal meeting or with the Queen of Makers just Titania!  It's fine and I'll like that better.."

"Ohhh well then thank you for the compliment Titania... " she smiled a little thinking that they are with the queen of makers unknowingly.

Titania hit her elbow in his husbands side and cough as Oberon sighed.

"So Lady (Y/N)  how is being the bride of the Goblin King feeling right now? Are you also interested in politics? Are you really ready being a queen? Were you not force my son can be pushy." he said then grumped again.  He asked a lot of questions in annoyance.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm doing fine as well your Highness, I have been doing quite well with Lady Kellerian as a tutor for proper etiquettes in the underground also I find politics to be a total complex of creatures interacting with each other in a society also if I must to measures about how a queen should act then I will tend my responsibilities and duties well but right now I'm still a bride not a queen but still I will follow your rules and ways respecting it if it pleases and will beneficiary for the kingdom to run smoothly... Lastly I wasn't force for I love your son for he will be pushy or not I do..."

Oberon was not please for his son merely didn't pick a beautiful mortal also promising, charming and intelligent in the ways she talks, he was sure she had experience... Like he heard the same answer before but who was it?.....

"I'm sorry to mention this but what do you feel about war?  I'm sure you already knew about the makers and the conflict brewing in the underground alongside the other realms...." Oberon smirked as Titania and Jareth was thrilled and curious how the future queen would answer that they could interrupt even if they wanted too.

"I think war is such a strong word.. That I believe it is nonsense a misunderstanding or mostly go describe it greed.... I'm quite sure that the portals has been shut off for awhile now since dark ages are lurking and been caught spying all over the kingdoms. I would say the Queen did a great job for a fast response although it wouldn't hold off to long---"

"What do you mean wouldn't hold off?  We're talking about a maker, a being all mighty and gods well I must say Jareth she's ignorant! "

"Please father it's just her first day! " said Jareth in a sad but mad voice.

"Gentlemen if I please..." (Y/N)  inserted as both men glare at each other and Titania was not please of her husband's behaviour.

"As I was saying they wouldn't hold off too long for rumors has it that dark creatures has been hiding and gathering in far regions in all kingdoms preparing to strike down to steal the keys..."

I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ