Somethings wrong

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She got into her chiffon pajamas and hoped into bed before she could she bit her lip and saw a reddish black spot beneath the covers. Damn she forgot about that and was going to remove it with magic but he would suspect her  being a magical Queen. Thinking maybe he'll think she wasn't being truthful. He went outside the bathroom in his light blue pajamas and look at her red face. Then saw what she was worried about, the red spot at his bed. Clearly it was her first.

"Ummm... David I.. I'm sorry... "

He wrapped his one arm at her shoulder and laugh. She was blushing hard.

"It's no biggie I forgot about that too. Let's wash it tomorrow okay love. Meanwhile I'll dumb this at the laundry while you change the covers. I have tons of them behind that drawer."

He removed the covers and went outside carrying the laundry with her changing the covers. She was quick like a house service in a snapped of her fingers. With clean sheets they both lay down as they cuddled with each other. They had two more days before their flight so tomorrow they'll surely pack some things they'll need but not much since he got a pent house in there. Secretly he doesn't know but she has too and tons of it but all are occupied with magical creatures disguise as humans living in the mortal realm too.

"Goodnight Mrs.Bowie... "

"Goodnight Mr. Bowie.. "

Morning rise up and she got up silently and careful removing herself in his arms, going to the bathroom. Brushing her teeth and tongue before talking or waking David. She felt fine now but the pain still gives her discomfort between her thighs.

"David... David honey it's time to wake up!... "

She shook his arm and he grabbed her arm immediately pulling her towards him but not so hard he didn't want her arm to be dislocated. With her in bed again he trapped her with his arms and legs wrapping her like sushi.

"David honey I can't breathed... "

"Oh sorry I just didn't wanna leave bed today. "

"Why? there's preparing to do and we still didn't do much things around. Come on... don't you wanna spend time with me. "

"Of course I wanna spend time with even every second like this! "

"Really being sluggish in bed? "

"I know you love sleeping with me! "

"Cause your a huge dork like Jareth! "

"The bird again? "

"Yeahhh.. Are you jealous?  Come to think of it I haven't seen him for a very long time. "

"He's busy making cuddles with another bird too. Everyone needs a love life!  Now wanna cuddle? "

"Fine just few more minutes... "

Few minutes became about almost an hour and she really was pushy about going out today. She broke free from her sleeping husband's arms. She knew he was tired, last night he slipped through not knowing she half awake that time. She didn't spy at him, she trusts him completely. (Y/N)  kissed David's forehead and went to her room filling up her tub. Filing in the nice bubble bath and splashing some water, slowly scales appeared at her legs then fins at the sides. She smiled to herself, thinking how long was it since she took a swim at the ocean. Now it wasn't legs but a fish's tail scales trailed off going up too covering her breast. Human may think of seashell bra's but in truth that's like a torture bra or clothing than the normal twentieth push up bra or the late eighteenth hundreds corset. Her tail was white with golden tips and changes color depending on her mood swings.

I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now