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First word...

Princess Diana sat in her study trying to get some work done. Her two youngest sat on the floor playing with their toys.

Diana jumped up from her chair at the sound of a loud scream coming from Harry. DeAnn was on top of Harry biting him.

"DeAnn no." She rush to get her daughter off her son tiny body. "No biting DeAnn. Your brother is not your teething ring."

DeAnn's bottom lip start to quiver while Diana comfort Harry.

Once the two finally calmed down Diana went back to her work. When she looked up to check on them. Her daughter's face held a angry look and her son Harry a grin.

DeAnn looked at her mother but Diana however made as if she didn't see what just happened. She wanted to see what her daughter is going to do. DeAnn grabbed her toy back from her brother looking satisfied until Harry took it back.

"Mine!" DeAnn shout annoyed grabbing her toy before pushing Harry over. Diana looked at DeAnn in shock before letting out a laugh.

Who would have thought all they had to do for her first word was get her angry.


First step...

"Mummy!" William shouted grabbing his mother's attention. Diana glanced at William who held a look of excitement.

"Yes William?" She asked looking back to her paperwork

"DeAnn, she's standing alone." He said pointed to his sister. Diana looked up at DeAnn and sure enough the ten months old was standing on her own. The look on her face read determination. Diana grabbed the camera from the draw pointing it to DeAnn. DeAnn looked at her mother with a confused face while William cheered her on.

"Come on DeAnn walk over to Mummy. William keep the camera please." William took the camera out of his mother's hand pointing it to his sister.

"You can do it sissy." William motivated his sister.

Holding out her arms for her daughter to walk into Diana continue to motivate her. "Come to darling you can do it. One foot in front of the other."

Lifting up her right foot placing in front of her left then repeating this with the left foot. Before they knew it the DeAnn did a quick little run into her mothers arms while letting out a little laugh.

"Good job Mummy's Angel." Diana said kissing the top of DeAnn's head.

"That was so funny." William laugh once Diana placed DeAnn on the floor next to a sleeping Harry.

"Did you catch it on camera?"  The Prince nob handing the camera to his mother before going to play with DeAnn and a now very unhappy Harry.

"Now we just waiting on you sleepy head." Diana said her sleepy son.

First day of school...

"DeAnn, Harry Mummy needs you to pay attention to her now please." Diana said grabbing her two youngest attention

"Be kind and wave to the camera." The twins grumble getting out of the car. Diana shook her head before follow.

Diana took the twins hands to help them up the school's steps. The teacher came to meet them outside. Curtsying to the Royals before she introduced herself.

"I'm DeAnn and this is my twin brother Harry."  DeAnn decided to take the lead from Harry this time.

"It's nice to meet you both. Would you like to meeting the rest of your classmates?" The two nod at their teachers words. Diana stop her children from following behind the teacher reminding them about the photographs waiting for them to wave. With one quick wave the twins rushed into the building ready to start their first day of school.

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