The Big Day

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The Big Day...

DeAnn waved to the people that filled the London streets. She knew they wanted to see her big day because of her late mother. Her father Prince Charles sat next to her holding her hand ever so tightly. He did not want to let go of his little girl, his angel.

The car stopped infront of Westminster Abby. Charles turned to his daughter and asked. "Are you sure you want to do this? This is your last chance."

"I am very sure."

"You have only ever been with him."  The Prince grumbled making DeAnn laugh.

"Exactly how many people get to say they meet their one true love the first time around?"

"I just wish you'd stay my little girl."

Placing her hand on her father's. "I will always be you little girl."

"That's until you have one of your own."

"Even after that."

"No, what I meant then she will become my little girl." Charles joked.

"Nice going Pops."

The doors of the car opened DeAnn got out first then Charles. Kelly rushed over to her best friend straightening out her dress while DeAnn waved to the people.

"You look beautiful." Kelly breath out to DeAnn.

"So do you. Thank you for stepping in last minute." Yesterday after the final fitting Kitty was rushed to the hospital. Apparently her appendix burst. Since she couldn't make it to the wedding Kelly stepped up.

"It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. I'm sure Kitty feels terrible about the whole thing."  Kelly replied.

"It's not her fault. I'm just glad that it was not me." Kelly laughed at DeAnn's words before moving out of the way.



Walking up to the steps was a breeze. Once the music started everything went quit. The flower girls and page boys walked first  then it was DeAnn's turn. She walked down the isle with her father on her right. Kelly held the long trail making sure it went where it was supposed to go.

At the end of the of the the isle stood Roman looking handsome in his Red uniform and brother and his best man Lucas in his black uniform.

'This is what I want. I wish you where here Mummy.' DeAnn though while walking down the isle.

"Are you sure." Charles asked once they where a few feet away from Roman. "We can still turn back. You don't have to do this."

"Daddy." She only ever said Daddy when she has something important to say.

Charles stopped turning his head to DeAnn. He looked into her eyes tears forming in his. He knew what she was going to say. He just needed to hear it from her one last time.

"I love him. He treats me like everyone treat Gran."  Charles and DeAnn let out a quiet laugh. "He will never let me down. "Placing her hand on Charles cheek she added."I love you but it is time for you to let me go. I'm not the eighth year old running around with the angle wings anymore."

"You will always be my angel." Charles smiled. He looked up to the alter nobing to himself. "Let's get you married."

With a bright smile she walked up to meet her future husband.

"Thank you Sir." Roman said once Charles gave him DeAnn's hand. A short prayer was said before Charles went to sit down next to Camila.

"Hey Captain." DeAnn breath out with a bright smile

"Hey, fun fact you are the most beautiful bride I've ever seen." She turned scarlet red at his words.

"You don't look to bad yourself." The two let out a soft laugh before turning there attention to the sermon.

The vows where said, paper work was signed and the two was officially married.

They walked out of Westminster Abby with massive grins on their faces. They looked at each other with massive grins while waving to everyone.

Now that the wedding was done they knew the pressure will be there to provide children to carry on the royal legacy.

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