Captain Roman Henstridge

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Captain Roman Henstridge...

"So this is where all the killing happens?" DeAn joked while William showed her around the military training field.

"No killing this is just training." He rolled his eyes at his sisters sarcasm. "For a genius your not very clever."

"Are you insulting my in intelligence Mister Windsor?"  DeAnn stopped walking placing her hands on her hips.

"It's Wales and I wouldn't dream of insulting you my sweet sister." The two stared at eachother before they start laughing.

"Wales!" William immediately stood at attention.

"Captian Henstridges." William said panicked making DeAnn smirk.

"Random drug test. Move it." William walked away leaving his sister standing in the middle of nowhere.

"Excuse me. Do you think you can show me the way out." DeAnn asked the handsome Captain in front of her.

"I'll show you. We where never property introduced. I'm Captain Roman Henstridge." Roman bowed before sticking his hand out for DeAnn to shake.

"Princess DeAnn of Wales." DeAnn shook his hand. The two stared into one another's eyes for a while before DeAnn cleared her through pulling away from the handsome gorgeous male infront of her.

"This might be forward but would you like to grab a cup of tea before you leave."  She bit her lip before she nob in agreement.

"I would love a cup of tea."

"I can't garante that the tea will be great but the company definitely will." DeAnn laughed at Roman's comment while flipping her blond hair over her shoulder.

"I guess I will just have to take your word on your statement." With a chuckle Roman lead DeAnn to the canteen.

"So I heard you are the clever one in your family." Roman told DeAnn while pouring the tea.

"Oh really?"

"Went to college at the age of eight and now your a medical degree and a degree in art history."  Raising her eyebrow at him before tilting her head while bitting her bottom lip.

"Apparently you know more about me then I know about you. Tell me about you Captain."

Roman let out a laugh at how she changed the topic from her to him. Most girls love talking about themselves. Not DeAnn if she could never talk about herself again she will be just fine."

"What do you want to know?"

"Let's start with your age."

My current age is twenty five."

"Current age?" She ask tiling her head again.

"My birthday is in two weeks." He answered.

"Ahhh. Next question how did you become a Captain at the age of 25?"

"Hard work."

"So you will be home for your birthday."

"I will be yes."

"What do you do when you are not on duty or deployed?"

"I do volunteering work at a local childrens hospital." This made her grins wide showing off her dimples.

"And that smile?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Oh nothing. I'm just thinking about something else." She glanced at the clock on the wall before frowning. "I have to get go. It was nice to meet you Captain Henstridge."

"Can I have your number or I don't know your people's number." He asked getting up with her.

"You can have my number." She replied handing him a card with her personal number.

"Awesome. I'll call you...?"

"Whenever you like." She walking up to him.

"I'll call you as soon as I'm relieved." He answered.

"If I don't hear from you before you birthday. Happy birthday Captian." She kissed his cheek before walking away with Jones who stood at the door of the canteen.

"I like him." Jones told her soft.

"As do I."

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