Feeling Left Out

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Feeling Left Out...

"I always feel like the seventh wheel now." Harry complained to the audience.

"Fifth wheel little brother." DeAnn corrected her brother.

"No seventh. The four of you along with the two extra people who is waiting to be born." Everyone laughed at his comment.

"I would feel sorry for you but I'm really not. This is how i felt when it was just us three. You and William always ganged up on me. I defended myself but still. It was horrible."

"No, no ways. If there was anyone who felt left out it was me. You guys where twins you've been inseparable since before birth. The time I spended with one of you alone was when DeAnn helping me with school work and charity work and with Harry from and too school or and when you where at college."

"That's such a lie!" DeAnn exclaimed the three continued to argue while everyone just started at them. Never have the public seen this little sibling disagreements.

"You know what I know what I went through and that is all that matters." DeAnn replied flipping her hair over her shoulder. The two men glare at their sister she once again won this argument. She always did.

"Well now everyone knows what it's like when these three starts to argue. Except it's never ending." Roman said making everyone but the three siblings laugh.


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