My People

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My People...

DeAnn walked past the people standing behind the barriar. Evey now and then she would shaking someone's hand.

"Princess is Roman your dream man?" Someone shouted making DeAnn laugh.

"Who asked that?" She asked a girl lift up her hand. "He is sertanly a looker is he not."

"Yeah he is."  The young lady replied before blushing once she realise what she said.

"Well then how can I say his not. I still like staring at him a year later." The princess replied before moving along.

"Has he met the Queen yet."

"Oh no. I'm keeping him to myself for a while longer."  She walking up to a lady with the a baby no older then a eight months. Cooing the baby she asked. "Hello, what is your name princess?"

"Her name is Jade." Her mother answered while Jade bubbles away.

"She is very beautiful." Jade started to bubbled when DeAnn turned my attention back to her. "Yes you are very beautiful."

Everyone awed when she continued to bubble and how the princess listened to the little girl. Like she was very interested in what the baby bubbled. DeAnn let out a laugh at how cute she is.

"Well it was amazing talking to you Princess Jade but I have to go now okay." Saying goodbye to her mother. DeAnn made her way to the rest of the people in the crowed. From a distance she heard the cry of Jade who she heard start crying when she walked away.

"Would you excuse me one minute." She asked a lady sitting in a wheelchair.

"Of course." The lady replied.

DeAnn rushed to where Jade's mother stood trying to calm her down.

"May I?" The mother looked a little hesitant. "I will bring her back I promise."

"Of course." She took baby Jade who instantly quite down once she saw DeAnn. The princess walked up to the lady she was previously talking to. "Sorry about that. You where saying."

"Oh just that I met your mother for the first time when she was your age. She was so beautiful just like you."

"She really was beautiful. I don't think there is a beauty that could compare to my mum. I'm not just saying that because she's my mum." DeAnn laugh at the end.

"I agree with you. She was also so kind. You must be so proud that you are able to call her mum." The lady said.

"I really am. There are days when I look out in the the crowed of people and I swear I catch glimpses of her smiling. It's just split seconds. That is honestly how I carry on doing my work. That momentary glimpses." DeAnn smiled softly thinking of her mother.

"She would be proud of you."

With a smile she press the forehead again the lady's hand saying a quiet prayer before leaning over to the lady. "I wish you well in your life and may you not suffer from this day onwards."

"Thank you." The lady whisper whipping away her tears.

"Look after her." DeAnn told the young ladywws with the woman.

DeAnn turned her attention towards Jade who was staring back at her.

"I thought you where sleeping Princess." Jade laugh when DeAnn throughed her into the air catching her swiftly. "Okay that's enough time for you to take a nap."

That was when the world realised what the British monarchy already knew. They realised how much DeAnn was like her mother, Diana the Princess

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