What Now?

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Everyone has been asking DeAnn what is next in her life and to answer that question. She had no idea that was until yesterday.

"Come again."

"I'm going back to college." She grinned making everyone laugh.

"You have just finished college literally last week. Now you want to go back."

"The plan was always to go back to do my medical degree. I took the extra classes so I'm a year ahead of the first year medical student. I want to do this plus I will get to hang out with William if he gets accepted into Cambridge. However let us all be honest that is a very big if." DeAnn answered her father.

"Rude." William said glaring at DeAnn.

"It's true you are not the most intelligent person there is."

"Yes because that would be you."


"Yeah says the person who can't pick up on sarcasm." He shot back.

"Anyway may I return to my studies. I promise my duties won't suffer. I just want to get away from William." DeAnn winked at William before turning to her father and grandmother. Obviously she just won the argument with her brother and she loved every moment of it.

"I will think about it." Queen Elizabeth answered.

"Okay so while you are thinking about it I will start my application process. It would be much easier for me to get in since it's my second time around."

"Second time around because the first time it all got to much." Harry laugh.

"Yes jokes like that is why some of us are still in school." DeAnn shot back at her twin.

"Well all of us can't be a genius."  Harry grumble.

"Yes we can all you have to do is spend more time with your books. Now if you would excuse me I have a college application for that needs my full attention." With that said she left the room.

The Queen leaned over to her son whispering softly. "Are you sure she was not switched at birth."

"The test all show she is mine. Believe even I have doughted her paternity a few times."

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