Birthday Introduction

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Birthday Introduction...

DeAnn walked into Gran Lizbeth's office at Buckingham Palace. The Queen request an audience with DeAnn. The last time the Queen requested her alone was when she returned from her first tour with her brothers right after she finished her medical board exam.

"Her Royal Highness Princess DeAnn of Wales." The Queen got up from her chair ready to hug her granddaughter. Showing her respect with a curtesy before she giving her Gran a hug.

"Sit." The Queen instructed DeAnn. Looking around in the office she found a picture of her at eight years old with angel wings.

"I can't believe you kept that photo." Letting out a laugh. She looked closer seeing a picture of her mother with her brothers and herself a few weeks before her death.

"You where a very convincing angel." The two lady's laugh at the memories before everything went quit. "The real reason I asked for you was because. Like you know your father's birthday is coming up."

"Yes his getting old."

Letting out a laugh the Queen quick stop. "Is that what you say every year it's my birthday?"

"Well of course not." DeAnn fake shock at her grandmother's words before laughing again.

"Stop letting me get off topic. The reason behind your visit is I want you to invite Captain Henstridge."

"I would rather not. Plus he has military duties." DeAnn replied. For the past year she has been keeping Roman away from her family. She knew the day would come that he would have to meet her family. She just wanted to wait awhile longer.

"That was not a request. It has been more then a year. I gave you your time together now I want to meet him."

"Of course." She replied getting up from her seat.

"Now about your father's birthday would you be able to organise it. I know how you love being in charge also I think this is right up your alley."

"Was that your way of calling me bossy?"  With a smile the Queen range the bell.

"See you in a month DeAnn."

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