Models On My Doorstep

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Models On My Doorstep...

Eight year old DeAnn opened the front door of their family Kensington Palace apartment.

"Hello." She grin at the three ladies standing infront of her.

"Miss. Naomi Campbell, Miss Cindy Crowfed and Miss Christy Tillington." The Queens gaurd announced.

"That is all good and well but what am I suppose to do with them?" DeAnn felt hand on her shoulders when she looked up she saw her mother glancing down at her.

"They not here for you. So run along."

"Are they not the same people who is posted... Oh." DeAnn grinned realising something very interesting. "I'll go fetch my books. I want to be here when William comes home."

The young princess ran to go fetch her books while Diana let the female beauty's enter the house.

"Sorry about DeAnn. She has a way of wanting to say something nice but it just comes out horribly wrong. We still working on her getting it right." Diana said while shaking their hands.

"No problem at all Your Highness." Naomi said just as DeAnn rushed back to where they where all now sitting.

"If you'll excuse me I have something to do. I'll send in the butler to get you whatever you want." Diana told the models before turning her attention tl to her daughter. "You bahave and don't give these lovely young ladies all their days."

"I won't. Now walk away."

DeAnn turned her attention towards the models as soon as Diana left.

"So you are all models?"

"Yes we are."

"How's that?"


"Don't you get hungry?" Diana asked again. The two gaurds stare at eachother before turning back to the front.

"Why would we get hungry."

"You so tiny and pretty." DeAnn replied tilting her head a little to the side.

The models let out a laugh at the princess word. DeAnn walked over to the empty seat next to Christy placing her head on Christy's lap.

"Is it okay that I have my head on you lap?"

"Of course." Christy replied running her hands through DeAnn's waist long blond hair.

"So ladies tell me about fashion." The three women let out a grin before fulling the eighth year olds head full of fashion and beauty knowledge. Even though the day wa suppose to be for her older brother DeAnn was the one who stole the show.

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