Chapter 1

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He walked up to me, his tall stature, his muscular physique as he grabbed my waist and slammed my body into his. Our eyes met and pierced one another as thoughts ran through our heads. Clean thoughts? I think not as our lips pressed and we kissed hard, savoring each second over and over.

Hmm....that's interesting but very clichéd as well....maybe I shouldn't have started this book on a random page and go straight to the beginning.

Oh hello, I am sorry but what you just read was not my story. I was just paraphrasing in my head what I was reading. I am one of those people. But what I was paraphrasing is some romance novel I picked up at the bookstore for a very cheap price. You know, I never had a fascination with these novels, never knew what the whole attraction was. But I thought why not? I've been reading so much fiction that I needed a change. Couldn't hurt to pick this book up and read it. I mean I wasn't going to lose that many brain cells over this book now was I?

Anyways I just had picked a random page and went over it. But you know what, never a judge a book by its cover or a random page, that's what I always say. So I think I will give this book a chance and see where things go. But that's for a later time.

Well, I guess I'll stop the boredom and move on to the real story, my story. I mean I've brought you here for a reason so let's get to that reason first. Oh, how rude of me. An introduction would be in order right now wouldn't it?

Ahem, so hi there and welcome fellow human male or female.....or possibly extra-terrestrial. Gotta keep an open mind these days right? You have no clue who's reading your story these days and where. We can't be naïve as we have expanded our presence beyond our planet for years now. So you're here to hear my story huh? Well that is awesome, sit back, relax, and let me begin. But before I do, make sure you're really relaxed and ready.

Brew a tea or coffee, whatever you fancy. Unless of course you're one of those mocha latte people...those are fine too. I myself am more a tea drinker, but we'll get to that later. If you prefer alcohol that's fine too. Just don't too much consume alcohol while reading my story or else it might become incomprehensible if you get my point. But I guess the big question you're wondering why you're here? To tell you a story of course! I mean that is the big purpose here right?

Maybe you'd like to hear mine and see where it goes...oh damn, that's not really a great start is it? Arrgggh! I suck at selling myself. This is not a great intro by any means so please give me a second chance. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Ok, here it goes.....again.

But before anything here is a fair warning. I don't fall in love with vampires or rich men. I am not into strange activities what so ever. I don't find paddles hitting my ass interesting or being tied up. Get my drift? Hah! Plus, those stories have already been told so let's move on.

No, my story should be different. I can feel it. Yes, if you've read so far, my story hasn't actually happened yet. It's unfolding and you're now part of it. Something is waiting to happen to me that will change me. I can feel it all around me. No, it's not puberty or hair in funny places. I have those already. Too much I must admit. I mean I am shaving my legs every week now it's not funny anymore. Should I have mentioned that? Meh who cares. If I am going to tell you a story then I might as well be honest and upfront right?

But then again, nothing might happen and I'll just bore you to death. What do you think? Nah you have my word something will happen. Even if I am a normal girl, extraordinary things can happen to a normal girl right? They always do. You know, like the stuff mentioned previously and then some.

By now you're wondering who am I? Why have I brought you here? Well then let's get started on that. I guess an introduction would be in due. My name is Sienna Hartford. If you're wondering by name it's British. And yes I live in England, maybe five minutes away from London. I am of 165cm in height, that's 5'6 for you metric users out there so I'll save you the time from using that second brain of yours called the internet to search it up. And don't try to hide it, I know a few of your reading this were running to your laptop or on your phone tapping away to find out 165cm is in feet and inches. I'll tell you what, I had to do it myself. So what's next? Hmm....well I have a British accent and yes I drink tea. Earl Grey if you're wondering so I live up to stereotypes quite well. I am your average girl, all 45 kilos of me. I am a second-year university student, I am reserved and quiet, the girl next door type. Not repressed or anything, but I just feel reservation can sometimes have its benefits. More on that later. Anyways, physically, I don't have super big boobs or a big butt. Actually, I am well proportioned for my height and bare a great chest. I love it since I don't have to log around two giants breasts all day. Trust me, no disrespect to you large chested women out there, but I know the stories of having to bra shop and it just terrifies me sometimes.

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