Chapter 17

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The alarm went off on my phone and I turned it off. Ugghh....I felt like shit. I had a bit of a headache from the alcohol but it wasn't overwhelming. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light in my room as I opened them. But then I felt...empty. I noticed I didn't have something around was Jake. He wasn't holding me and I turned around and saw he wasn't next to me.

"Jake?" I yawned and stretched my arms but no reply. I was still dressed the same way and I got up and waddled my ass to the toilet and pulled down underwear, a bit groggy, and sat down. I started to pee, it felt good, the urine leaving my body as I let out a fart as well. Oh great, how romantic...oh Jesus it smelled and I got up and sprayed some of that air freshener. I got up and walked out the bathroom.

"Jake you here?" I called him.

Still no answer. I was not tired...but out of it. Well throwing up didn't leave me with much food as well either. I lazily walked out of my bedroom, somewhat dragging myself as I reached the living room and called his name, but he was nowhere to be found. Weird, where the hell was he? I gave him a tex asking where he is but he didn't reply. This was weird, why would Jake just take off from my place and not say anything? Suddenly a surge of panic hit me.

I stressed a bit and thought about last night. I didn't exactly present myself in the best terms with him. Did I scare him off? I hope to god not. I just had a bit too much wine...well for my standards. I went back into the bedroom and looked at my bed, I noticed a handwritten note on the pillow next to mine. Funny, I didn't see it when I looked at where I had woken....but why a note?

Was it a goodbye note? Oh please don't let it be....please please I thought. I hope I hadn't screwed up as bad as I thought. It was about 8:45 AM from my phone and I took a deep breath and picked note up and braced for the worst...was it over between us? The only way to know what to read this note. I lifted and looked away for a second...I was scared had no idea what he could have written. I closed my eyes and turned my face towards the note slowly. Very slowly I began to open my eyes...ah fuck it I just opened my eyes and read the damn thing...might as well. I gotta know.

'Hey, it's about 6:30 am and I needed to go to practice. Sorry, you were just so tired I didn't' want to wake you up. No hard feelings about last night, guess we both got caught up. Anyways, I hate hasty departures like this...but I'll see you tonight.


Fuck yes! It is not over! The fat lady is not singing today!

I fell back on the bed, my arms spread out in ecstasy and joy, I was so happy. I hadn't screwed up as I screamed out 'Yes' over and over and threw legs up in the air and kicked. Oh god, bad idea. The motion conjured up that pinching feeling inside my stomach again. I stopped for a second and turned over. I huddled my body in the fetal position I let my stomach relax....nope not gonna work and I got up and ran to the bathroom. It came up my stomach like a cannon, a giant load of vomit as I hurled it out. Ok...I am getting sick o throwing up here. God, I've learned my lesson ok. more I somewhat cursed. I kept my head over the toilet seat for a second and then I felt that I was good so I washed my mouth out with some mouthwash and brushed it.

I went back and lied down on the bed. I needed to regain my composure for a second. Usually by now I was having something to eat but considering how my stomach felt, I didn't want to chance it.

Suddenly, lying on the bed, I got a flash of Christie's face in my mind. Oh shit I said out loud. The image of her face hit me hard. I had gotten so caught up in Jake leaving early that I forgot all about her. I decided it was time I needed answers. I got up and quickly took a shower, it was a day off from university so I had the time today to really dig in and find out what happened to her.

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