Chapter 6

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It was time to read a bit more of this book as I needed to pass time so another chapter is due. Things were also picking up and I didn't want to leave a book halfway done. Never know what surprises were lying ahead right? And plus I had the time.

So back to this story.

Being I arrived at 4:23 am Chicago time the university was not open yet for me to go in so I checked into a hotel close by. It was actually a nice place and highly recommended by the airport staff. I wasn't surprisingly overly tired and the small nap on the plane was fine. After a bit, I took a shower and turned on the tv and took a peek outside. I could see a diner of some sort close by so I would go there soon and eat as I was starving. The diner had a 'Open a 6 am' sign but it hadn't lit up yet. I sent a text message to my mom to let her know I had landed but didn't call her as I didn't want to wake them. Here I was, in Chicago, all by myself. A jolt of glee had shot through my body. I was actually here. No issues or problems whatsoever.

I turned the tv up a bit, not too loud as the other rooms were occupied around me too and began to watch the news. It was the news from the day before, well the weather report more or less. 80 Fahrenheit was supposed to be the weather with no chance of rain or anything. So a nice warm sunny day. I had actually taken the time to look into the whole system here on the temperature so I had a better idea what it as we use Celsius in the UK.

But damn this weather report was getting really boring after a while as it was just repeating over and over. I guess the real news didn't come on for some time as my eyes began to get tired a bit and drowsy as I felt sleep begin to come over me. My eyes began to close and open here and there when suddenly I heard something. Then again. I thought my ears were deceiving me but no, I definitely head it. It was a woman moaning, not the loudest, but I heard it and it wasn't a fantasy. Oh my god, my neighbors were having sex and these thin walls didn't mask their noises. I wondered if I should let them know but then I just sat there and listened. Welcome to America Sienna as I could hear the woman moan and the man talk to her indistinctively.

The more I listened, the more I became curious and turned on. This was hilarious as everytime the man thrusted into her she moaned in pleasure. I wasn't expecting this, but I guess it was a nice welcoming giflt in my eye. Thankfully they weren't obnoxiously loud, but loud enough that I could make out well what they were doing. But damn, this woman moaned non stop and in a good rhythm. Like I could tell by the pace she was going the guy was going a moderate pace with her.

I just listened and observed. I know, it's not the nicest thing to do but I mean when I can hear it what the hell am I supposed to do? Knock on their door and be like "Oh hello, can you turn down the sex you're having?" Think of the humiliation they would have to deal with after hearing that. No man would be able to have a proper erection after hearing that. Plus, they weren't harming anyone or anything. It's natural human course so I just let it be. I was just being a cooperative voyeur and minding my own business. But the longer they went, the more turned on I got and so I decided to have a bit of fun as well. I pulled my pants off and undies and began to touch myself as I listened in. I know, cheap and dirty in a way but this wasn't the first time I masturbated. Trust me, my vagina and I had shared many intimate moments and to be honest most women my age have masturbated at least once. Guys, well like daily ha! Ok maybe not all but if you think I have never touched myself then you're way off. Sienna Hartford has had many adventures with her private and I wasn't ashamed of it either. It was a natural thing.

But here I was, legs spread, and my finger pleasuring me as I listened in. My eyes closed, which helped me hear better as I did deep breaths which helped me concentrate better. I didn't actually fantasize about anything. I just let the sounds themselves guide me to climax, and climax I did after three minutes.

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