Chapter 21

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It was a few days after I had witnessed Jake do his thing with Gerald. We still met and all and moved forward from it, acting like it was another day or so. It was for us...normal. It really was. I didn't have a problem with Jake doing it and I was myself pretty in tune with him and trusted him. Let's be honest, this wasn't something he bragged about and the more I thought about it the more I realized the positives about it. I mean yes, that reserved side of me came out sometimes, and of course that side of me that questioned things, the inquisitive side. I mean I can't just witness this and not think of it. And it wasn't like I was brainwashed to forget it, I just chose to accept it for what it was. So yes when I questioned myself and the reserves Sienna poked her head into my conscience I would just shove her in the closet and close the door.

Was I in too deep? Had I accepted something that could potentially put me in danger? Well, since the last few days had passed there were no police reports nor had law enforcement even come to us. We were not subjects of anything or considered suspicious in anyways. Plus, he's a homeless guy. Ya I know, cold...but he's already forgotten. Society has better things to do than waste ti's time on Gerald or go hunting for him. He was one less trouble, a shadow in the background. This is why I wasn't scared of being caught or having to look back over my shoulder. I knew Jake was meticulous about all of this. I mean I went to his apartment afterward and not a single issue from his neighbours. No one ever knew Gerald was there. And, his bloody place was clean as hell. You would have never guessed someone had died there and stabbed to death.

But I'll be honest, that image of the knife hitting the flesh was fresh in my mind. The look on Gerald's face was worth it. But I wasn't disturbed by it, well a bit....andI wasn't going to lose my lunch or anything either.

I saw a side of Jake I never expected. A champion for the voiceless. That's what he was. My champion and a champion for other women. Come on ladies, you as well as I know that there are assholes out there who have raised their hands to other women and walked away free from it. We've seen it, read it, heard it. It's been part our society and it's not unfortunately going to go away. And let's not forget that good old justice system, the one that lets these assholes out and lets them walk they can do what they do again and again.

But let's be honest, for any woman who's been wronged by a guy and by the system, you have had thoughts of that man conscience, hit, bludgeoned or fuck it...killed. Don't lie've had those thoughts. Many of you have. Well, Jake is that man who steps up for you. Does things for you where the system fails or the woman doesn't have the willpower to stand up to that jerk. I am not saying women are weak, sometimes....just sometimes....things happen. For a reason. And good women get stuck in a bad situation that they can't get out. Well ladies....don't fret about it. Jake is here. Well ok...he' can't solve your problems but take it at face value. At least he's contributing positively right? One less Collin...errr excuse me women.....asshole it his name now and yes we have to deal it. Yes, some of you might consider this approach of him killing a bit extreme. But what would have me do? I am not about to tell Jake to change his tactics. No way. I feel fine with what he's doing. Some of you don't feel positive and I am sorry if we have a difference of opinion, they say it is what it is.

Anyways, enough of this melodrama and let's move on. I had packed a few small things for the two day weekend...oh yea I forgot to mention. Today was that day that Jake had promised me to go cabin trip. I was excited. Really excited, as he picked up and we drove off. The place we were going to was about two hours from here. And thankfully, I did relieve myself before Jake picked me up. When he did, it was a new SUV also. Which kind of surprised me

"Why the new car?" I asked. It was a black SUV and it looked very high end.

"Just a change" he told me. I didn't question it, maybe something to do with Gerald? Who knows...could be covering his tracks in own way? I just got in and we drove off. While we drove he told me a lot about the scenery and stuff. The drive up was consisted of lots of highway driving and then it became the scenic country route. Which I liked a lot. Funny, I didn't think Chicago or I should say Illinois had much to offer in terms of the scenic route but I was wrong. Much beautiful nature spread across, mountains and trees. I mean hell I could just tell him to pull over anywhere and I would just camp here. That's how beautiful this place was. I like being away from the city and Jake as my personal guide he was thought amazing. He was very detailed, pointing things out here and there, giving me a history lesson for sure. He did of course make this trip very often so he knew what he was talking about and so on.

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