Chapter 2

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With less than three days to go and leave for what could be the greatest moment of my life, I actually have a date. Yes, a date....damn so lat minute but I mean I just couldn't say no. What if it turns out to be amazing, then Chicago will just be a quick three months and then I can come back home to this person.

Oh yes, maybe you're under the impression that because I am a virgin I don't have those thoughts, the naughty ones. Oh you have no idea. Trust me, the juices flow here ladies and gentleman and the wings flap all the time. But, I can't act on those thoughts unless I meet someone right?

Be it mind you I did tell this potential that I am going to Chicago for three months but he didn't care. In a way I was like why now? But I guess it never hurts right. Nothing ventured nothing gained. But I guess sometimes life throws in that last minute thing, that last minute curve at you and you either steer into it or you drive past it. anyways, he insisted that we meet regardless and I said ok. What can go wrong right?

Well let me tell do wanna hear this right? Sure you do. Human curiosity is such an amazing thing isn't it?


Here I am...oh hell what am I doing here anyway? It's supposed to be a date with the most recent person I met in trigonometry class...another potential. But it doesn't feel like a date.

It feels more like we're just sitting here and staring at each other, hoping one or the other says something to engage a conversation. And trust me, we're not sitting here and staring into each other's eyes feeling any love or a connection between us, or else this would be a different story. But it's not, it's more like long pauses and then a small talk. Benjamin, the guy I am with, is a nice guy. But he's not my type of guy. He doesn't engage me or keep me interested. And I can't remember the last time someone who stirred their as much as he did. I know, I should say something myself to keep him interested but if I am not interested then I am not going to make the effort. Plain and simple right?

But here I am, stuck in a coffee shop 2 miles east of London on a Friday night with a mundane person. Which is really weird because Ben chased after me for weeks. Unusual, as I usually do the chasing. But nope, for the last few weeks he's been creating conversation between us. I mean he's tall, skinny, a great smile, has all his teeth and whatnot which. Ideal for some women, but not me. I don't want the ideal man, I want the unique man. The one who stands out in my eye and the crowd. Not a crowd pleaser per se, but one who people can just look at and say 'wow' over and over again because there is something there...something unique! Hah! get it?

But unfortunately Ben isn't it....yep you read that right. Sigh, I know you were expecting good news, but I am don't have one for you. He's just another Friday night meet for the last couple of weeks that has gotten nowhere. Yep, that's right. The last couple of weeks I've met a few guys. Some from University, some online. Yes, even people like me can make an online profile to attract the opposite sex. I was desperate, I really wanted to meet someone. Ok I'll level with you, I mean at my age I have raging hormones too. My vagina is communicating with me and giving me signals but I am not sending any back towards it. I don't think I can go on too much longer with this. I did say am patient, and I am. But let's get something straight, I have urges too and sometimes they cloud my judgment and force me to do rash the whole creating an online profile.

Now before you mention the whole online thing and how it can be dangerous and so on and it's filled with not the highest quality of men let's get something straight, I don't go out much....or at all really unless I am of course meeting a friends or a potential....that's what I call the men I meet, potentials. Because potentially I'll move forward with one who will potentially become my boyfriend and potentially we'll get married and have potential children. But I am still pretty much a 20-year-old English virgin. Don't get me wrong, I don't think low of myself, but I am just not going to foolishly fall for someone because my life has reached that point where the clock starts ticking against me. I am not in a rush to have sex. I've kissed and oh boy, those are stories on their own. I mean yes like I said I have urges and my vagina and I sometimes don't seem to come to terms for what it wants. But my common sense and modesty overpower it.

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