Ch. 35

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Seven o'clock slowly drew near, and the two bottles of wine were long gone. Ginny was able to complete their makeup after the first bottle had finished, knowing that she wouldn't be able to do it afterwards. She had given Hermione a simple black cat-eye with a lightly darkened crease that was matched with red lipstick. For herself, she did a nude look but still lined her upper eyelid with black eyeliner for a dramatic effect, giving herself light gold eyelids and a nude lipstick with blush. Both girls were filled with giggles while they tried to help each other into their dresses, Ginny being the first one.

"Gin," Hermione started slyly, "Are you wearing this lingerie for a particular reason?"

"You mean, a reason other than the sheer fact that I want to?" Her friend replied over her shoulder. "Not particularly. I mean, if Blaise marks me, he marks me. At this point, I'm not nervous about it."

With a final pull of the low zipper in the back of Ginny's dress, Hermione patted her friend's back and said, "I think that's the alcohol talking, dear. Here, let me cast a Disillusionment charm so that no one can see the corset."

"Well what about you?" Ginny asked with a grin while Hermione worked. "Miss 'Oh I was willing to let him mark me earlier'; don't tell me you aren't expecting anything from your Veela tonight!"

Hermione rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the grin. Ginny smacked her arm and then motioned for her to turn around. "I think with this dress, you won't really be able to wear anything as far as a bra goes since the top of the dress is very structured. However, the right lacy underwear could really drive him mad."

"My goodness, is my dear sister dressing me to get laid for the first time?" Hermione asked with a giggle.

"Only if my dear sister allows me to!" Ginny replied, stumbling towards Hermione's dresser to pick out something. She paused, looking back at Hermione. "I like that; you being my sister."

"Oh Gin, you'll always be a sister to me!" Hermione said while laughing. "I think your mother has practically adopted me anyway!"

"She's always wanted another girl," Ginny said happily after turning back to search through the drawer. "Ah ha! These should do the trick!"

Ginny pulled out a pair of lacy boyshorts, grinning madly. "I always thought boyshorts accentuated the butt better than a thong anyway."

"Is there something you need to tell me, Ginny?" Hermione asked while smirking. "Or rather, something you need to announce to Blaise?"

"I just appreciate design and beauty," Ginny said with a shrug. "Boyshorts are my favorite type of underwear too, so I may be biased."

Hermione rolled her eyes and changed into the lacy boyshorts that barely covered her butt. She smiled though at the thought of being more comfortable in those than a thong as she grabbed her dress from the bag.

"I can't believe how beautiful it is," She breathed.

"Well, put it on!" Ginny said while nudging her.

A minute later the dress had been zipped up and Hermione was twirling around in it, giggling. "Oh Gin, it's so light!"

"Same with mine!" Ginny said happily as she sat on the bed and pulled on her boots. "It was nice of the boys to get us both flats instead of heels."

"I think they knew we would have alcohol tonight," Hermione said as she pulled on the simple black flats that were in her bag with the dress. "Maybe we should have something to eat before we drink anything else."

Ginny simply waved her off. "We'll be fine!"

There was a knock at the door and the girls looked at each other giggling. Hermione quietly said, "Five galleons says they don't say anything for a minute."

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