Ch. 40

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Harry and Ron walked through the hallways quietly. Ron was still seething with anger, but Harry was lost in thought.

"I can't believe everyone believes them!" He exclaimed as soon as they got out of the castle.

Harry sighed. "Honestly, Ron, I don't think the girls would lie about that. Or McGonagall."

"Don't tell me you're buying into it too," Ron groaned.

They got into a carriage and went back to Hogsmeade where they were staying. Harry gave his friend a look and said, "Why would the girls lie about this?"

"Because they're under a love potion," Ron said in an exasperated tone.

Harry glared at him. "Why would McGonagall support it then? If it's a love potion, she wouldn't ever have allowed that to happen."

Ron stumbled over his words, trying to find a counter point. He finally sighed and put his head in his hands. "Hermione would never fall in love with the ferret. She couldn't."

"I think she did," Harry said. "And I'm pretty sure Ginny is in love with Zabini."

"How did this happen?" Ron asked.

Shaking his head, Harry replied, "I don't know, mate. But I don't think there was anything we could do to prevent it."

"Oh don't say that," Ron groaned. "This could have completely been prevented! We just never should have left the girls!"

"Will you stop being thick?!" Harry exclaimed suddenly. "They were fated to be together! Us staying with them would have only prolonged it, and you know that you and Hermione wouldn't have stayed together. You kept telling me how unhappy you were! So maybe you need to just accept that this is Hermione and Ginny's life now and move on from it!"

Ron was taken aback by the sudden outburst and he wasn't quite sure how to respond. He was still angry that Hermione was with Malfoy, and wanted to do something about it. He wasn't quite sure what though.

When Draco woke up, it was started to grow dark in the Hospital Wing. He yawned and looked over at Hermione who still hadn't moved. It looked as though her marks had healed and the bruises were starting to fade. He gently rubbed his thumb across her cheek before standing up off the bed and stretching.

He walked around the privacy curtain to where Blaise and Ginny were, finding that Blaise was also awake. He was looking at his mate with concern, and barely looked up when Draco approached.

"I just want to know that she's okay," Blaise said quietly. "I can't even feel her emotions."

Draco paused, trying to look for Hermione's and realizing he couldn't feel hers either. He ran a hand through his hair worriedly and sighed. "I can't feel Hermione's. I didn't realize it until you said something."

"Do you think there is anything in the library about what they are going through?" Blaise asked.

Draco shook his head. "If there was, the girls would have known about it. Apparently they've read every single book in there that mentions Veelas."

Blaise sighed. Then he perked up suddenly. "What about your parents' library? Do you think they may have something?"

"Maybe," Draco said thoughtfully. "I'll have to owl mother and see if she can send me any books."

"Have you told them it's Hermione yet?" Blaise asked curiously.

Shaking his head and looking down at the floor, Draco replied, "No. I haven't gotten their confirmation yet that nothing will happen to her once they do find out. It's been a few days, they should have replied by now."

Loving You - Dramione/Blinny VeelaWhere stories live. Discover now