Chapter 21: Ally or Trader?

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"I-I don't understand," I paced inside my 'room.' It wasn't the creepy set up I had expected. The walls were white and the bed was shades of gold and tan. The carpet was white and tan with intricate decorations.

"Lillith, can you please just sit down so I can explain?" Ryuu pleaded.

"You think I can relax!" I snapped, furious that he could be sided with the 'dark' side. He ran his hand through his hair frustrated.

"I'm sorry. I would've told you earlier but you were always with Zayden. We never had the right time to talk about this. Please let me explain?"

"You and Zayden are so full shit," I heaved.

My blood was pounding in my ears, I was so angry. Zayden hid that he had a fiance. Ryuu hid that he was sided with evil. Oh, and that evil was my mother. It was as if everyone feared to be honest with me.

"I am nothing like Zayden," Ryuu looked astonished.

"Bullshit! You didn't tell me the truth until it was too late."

"I did it for you!" he yelled, trying to remain calm but failing.

I crossed my arms and glared at him. He did not have the right to yell at me right now.

"How could siding with the person who is said to be evil, be for me?"

"I was sent to check in on you weekly. Sometimes Zayden was sent but not nearly as often. I knew I was on good terms with Nishiba, but I kept worrying about what if the Dark Moon pack got you while I wasn't around..." Ryuutrialed off, staring off at the wall.

"So you went behind Nishiba's back?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Yes. I went to Queen Amelia and said I wanted to be on her side. She thought I'd be useful as a spy." Ryuu kept shuffling his feet nervously and his hands were shaking. He was terrified.

"You been spying then?"

"Not necessarily. I made sure to give her information but it wasn't all true. Once you got to Nishiba I knew I messed up. I can't go back now though. She bounded me to the darkness to ensure my loyalty."

"You aren't being completely loyal to her though?"

"No. My loyalty is with you. I only did it to make sure that wherever you went, I could make sure you are safe," his face fell. His eyes were filled with guilt, the green color even lighter than before.

"Why do you care so much about me?" I couldn't help but ask, my curiosity getting the better of me. Ryuu looked taken back.

"I've seen your kindness, Lillith. When you saved Aaylah. When you helped an old woman by bringing her food a couple times of week because she lived in a crap trailer and barely got by. When you made sure drunk customers got a taxi home instead of driving or walking home in the cold. There's so many more. Slowly over time, with each return to make sure you were still living your life safely" he paused, looking super uncomfortable. "It was more than just my duty to your father to keep you safe. I think along the way I came to adore you so much I fell for you."

"You fell for me? You don't even really know me that well Ryuu," I asked in shock. Then it dawned on me, that he probably knew me better then Zayden did.

"I haven't spent time with you, no. However, I've seen you, your actions, your laugh.  I've heard the way you talk to others, your laughs, and it was the kindness that drew me in."

"Now what is it? Did you know they would take me?" I felt so irritated that he would think any of this was okay.

"No, no. I had no idea they were out there until I heard the tranquilizer dart and you went down." His green Asian-like eyes held sincerity I have never seen before. 

"Then tell me, who's locked up in the dungeon here?" I wanted to test his loyalty to me.

If he really was sided by me so much he would play double-agent, then it would be no problem getting information from him.

"What? The dungeon? No one should be down there as far as I know." He furrowed his eyebrows, looking confused.

"Someone is down there, they growled when I whispered out to you."

"Lillith, I have never seen anyone down there. Are you sure?"

"Yes! Do you think I am delusional?" I flailed my arms in the air, exaggerating my frustration.

Ryuu moved towards me cautiously. Gently laying his hand on my arm.

"Lillith," he began softly, "Lillith I promise you that I do not know who is down there."

I sighed deeply. His touch was luring, warm and soothing. Why? I avoided looking up at him, I knew it would be a bad idea.

"What can I do to prove you can trust me?" he asked.

"Find out who's in the dungeon with me," I replied before I even thought it through.

Did I have a death wish? Here I am in some crazy Queens castle and I wanted to snoop around. Something was drawing me to that dungeon though. It was like an invisible force pulling me to go down there and find that person.

"Are you sure?" his voice remained soft, gently.

I glanced up into his mesmerizing eyes that were swirling with beautiful shades of green.

"Lillith?" he prodded.

I realized I was just staring into his eyes. It was like I never wanted to leave them.

"Yes. I am sure," my voice came out faintly.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and stepped back. Breaking eye contact with Ryuu. Something about him was dangerously alluring.

"We can start right now if you want?" he gestured towards the door, "Queen Amelia is quite busy right now and so are most of her men."

"Busy with what?" I asked.

I knew she had a lot to do today but nobody ever said what.

"Uh- training for the war," he looked away. He was a bad liar.

"And?" I prodded, glaring at him again.

"And stuff that you don't want know about," he chuckled nervously.

"Such as what? and tell me about the war, when are they are going?"

I realized that I could get important information from him. The war is important because Nishiba needed to know, they needed to be prepared.

"Er-well she breeds her men and women. She chooses days to match pairs and watches them 'breed' to ensure her pack is getting stronger only." he looked off into the wall.

That was slightly disturbing. Who could ever think that was okay? I snapped out of it realizing he only answered one question.

"The war?"

"The war is in two weeks."


"We have to find a way back to Nishiba and warn them," worry filled my voice.

"I will help you," Ryuu said coming closer to me again. He put each hand on each one of my arms in a comforting manner. "I will help you do anything and everything you want."

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