Power Demonstration

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The class went quite when the teacher entered the room.

The class went quite when the teacher entered the room

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"Good morning everyone. My name is Professor Adrian Dante. You can call me Adrian. Neglect the mister part. I will your teacher for this semester. If you guys have any problem regarding academic or anything you need contact me."

He went to the board and wrote something. Then he turned to us," there are the four stages of magical examination you have to pass." He pointed to the board.

"First is Awakening where you will learn to use your powers, then comes Reveal in which your powers will be tested against harsh forces, then comes Ascend when your powers reach maturity and lastly, Supreme where you reach last stage & your powers fully evolve and become one with you. I should also mention this that remember your powers come from within yourself, the very nature of you and your heart so don't doubt yourself and believe. I will be there with you all guiding you step by step. So don't worry and have faith in me." He smiled at us.

I swallowed my empty throat. Will I be able to obtain such strength and power?
"And as you all know the power division first comes Red, Then, Blue, Green, Yellow, White, Violet, Silver, Gold. And the rest goes on."

"Let's start with something small" he smiled and looked at us." I would like you all to show your powers, just a demo of what you can do. I know not all of you can use your powers as your will but at least try."

Oh no! This was what I was avoiding. My heart began to race.

"And remember no power is small or big. Every one is equally and important here." He looked at us. "Let's start with that sleepy head over there."

He said smiling.

He is looking at me? But i am not sleeping. Then I noticed everyone looking beside me. I looked to my left, its that sleeping boy.

"Somebody please wake him up." he said.

Olivia looked at me and nudged. I have to awake him up?
I hesitated but reached forward my hand.

"Hey the teacher is calling you, please awake up..." i gave him a soft nudge.

He was fast asleep.

"Hey please wake up." He suddenly hold my hand tightly. Oh no am i in trouble?

"You woke me" he said to me in a cold voice. His hazel brown eyes. It's Max. Oh shit, why do I always catch him in a bad mood?

"Max..." I whispered looking at my hand. He lets go if my hand. I quickly took my hand in my lap.

"Mr. Shade, how sweet of you to join us."

He frustrated got up from the seat and went in front of the teacher.

"Now please enlighten us by giving a demo of your powers" he said.

He reluctantly took in the middle of the board. He threw a punch at the board and it fell down broken in half.

"Wow massive strength impressive " Mr. Alfred said.

Everybody gasped.

I touch my hand. That explains his grip.
Then he took the coffee in his mug and transported it mid air from one cup to another just by his gesture.

"Hydrokinesis, very rare" he mark something in his board. "That's quite all right thank you. You can go back now." He rolled his eyes and came back to his seat and went to sleep.

I was was fascinated seeing that. He was so impressive. I looked at my hand. Again a bruise was formed. Aw, it just healed yesterday. Again now.

His pin peaked from his clothes. I glanced at it. Its a blue. The second after Red.

He caught me staring at him. I blushed and revert my eyes.

"Next, Miss. herlan"

Olivia got up and went in front. She closed her eyes and waved her hand in the air. Suddenly the room was filled with clouds and snow started to fall. It was incredible!!

I clapped. And everyone started at me. I stopped embarrassed. She came back to her seat. "That was beautiful and awesome Olivia." I told her in joy.

"Thanks Scarlet"

After that one by one students gave their demonstration. As the names got less, i was more worried that i will be called.

"Next Mr. Claud" he went to the front. Its William. Somehow i was interested to see what his powers were.

He stood there in silence. "Mr. Claud, today please "

"I am sorry I don't use my powers unless the situation demands it."

"Thats noble of you but, if I don't get to see it then, it will be hard for me to determine in which level your at then how will i help you? Or guide you."

He was silent.

"Very well then, some other time then. You can go back to your seat." He went back. Everyone was whispering.

"Silence please, next Miss.Snow."

Fuck. I knew i have to go some time or another.

I got up from my seat. Lets be prepared to be laughed at Scar.

I stood at the centre of the spotlight. Metaphorical spotlight that is.

"Please demonstrate Miss.Snow." He said.

My heart raced. I don't know what my power is. How can I perform or demonstrate it?

"Umm... professor, "i looked at him.," I don't know my powers yet..." I whispered at him. The whole class started whispering again.

Please don't get mad! Please.

I prayed in my mind.

"Oh, thats a rare case. You can go back to your seat Miss.Scarlet."

Everyone looked at me. Great! I am the centre of attention now. A girl with no powers. I saw Max & William stare at me. They must laugh at me.

"You really Don't remember your powers?" Olivia asked.


The bell rang. "Thats it for today, tomorrow we will continue our lesson." He smiled.

Everyone got up from the seat and left.

I was about to leave when Mr.Adrian called me out.

"Scarlet, A moment."

I waved at Olivia," i will see you in abit." She left.

"I assume you were serious when you told me you don't know about your powers." He asked me.

"Yes sir."

He sat on the table." You must have them, otherwise you wouldn't have got the pin." He said pointing at my pin. The principal gives the pin to each student determining their strength, i know.

"Yes, but I don't remember what my powers are...there is a huge gap in my memory "

"Hm, i see where the problem is, You have to believe in yourself to awaken your power also discover what they are Scarlet" he smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Adrian."

"Just Adrian is fine." he smiled at me.

"Yes" I smiled back and took my leave.

I can say its gonna be a heck of roller coaster ride. The rest of the semester.


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