New Storm Came in...

244 19 2

Bandit song by alexandra stan

I woke with a smile on my face. Its like i slept with a hanger in my mouth. I was cheerful and humming with joy. I was really liked our kiss yesterday and i was nervous but excited to see him. Ask him about us. To know if he felt what i feel?

I got ready, wore my best clothes and came down stairs. I saw all of them having breakfast but Noah was missing. Which is strange cause he always make us breakfast.

Alex was here. Which was also weird as he spent most of his time is that student council room. "Hey alex, good morning. Surprise seeing you here."

He chuckled," i took a break as Noah handling my work today."

"Woah? Where did the sun rise from? I mean... he is actually volunteered to work without you forcing him?" I looked at him in suspension.

"Yeah... cause his fiancé is visiting today..." he said.

Wait what?!

" his what...?" I chocked on the food.

"His future fiancé, Valarie Storm. "

It was like all my joy was stripped down and my heart being ripped out of my chest and feed to hungry hyenas.

"He has a fiancé?" I asked him with a heavy heart.

"Well, his family fixed that i mean, his elder brother had volunteered to military service and thus to profit the business of his family. They made Valarie, his father business partner promise of marriage so that they profit from this marriage. "

"And Noah? His opinion for this...?"

"He agreed to it. He never went against his father. I know he may be have different views but i cant protest if he himself agrees to it." He looked at me," believe or not Noah is the second son of Micheal Rold. The tycoon of Rold Medicine and Co. so he has a pressure to maintain that status."

"I see..." i ate my beakfast in silence.
So he has a girlfriend. He never mentioned anything to me. Plus that kiss... why did he kiss me then? I was sad but i was more upset, he never said a word to me about this.
I know, i know, its his private life but still. After all we have been through. He could have at least told me about his girlfriend.

"By the way scar.." Alex pulled me from my thoughts.


"Come to the student council room this evening. "
I don't wanna see him. Not now at least.

"Um... i have to?"

"Yeah, it's important."

I agree to go. Why god?! Now only?

I went to class and saw Olivia siting with Max hand in hand.

"Did i miss something?" I asked her.

"Um, i asked him out yesterday and he said yes." She said in joy.

"Aww girl i am happy for you." I hugged her happily. Glad someone gets their love.

"What up with you? You seem down..."

"Um.. long story."

I told her want happened. " scarlet don't feel down. First see if Noah like the girl or not?"

I nodded.

It was afternoon and  accompanied Alex to the student council room as promised. We entered and saw Noah and a blonde curly hair beautiful girl sitting there with other members.

He looked at me. Our eyes met. My heart took a skip.
Get it together girl.

I went with Alex and sat beside him.

"So, you all must be thinking why i called you all this meeting so i will like to come clean. We have a new member joining today, scarlet snow." My eyes widen by this news. "Plus Miss, Valarie storm will be joining our academy today, make her feel at home. All orders of the principal. Thank you all for listening." Everyone was shocked.

After the meeting ended people left.

The girl came to us. "Pleasure to meet you all. I am Valarie Noah's girlfriend more like fiancé ." She giggled.

" hi I am Scarlet...." i shook her hand.

I couldn't match Noah's eyes. I felt like some stab me in my heart and swirled it around like spaghetti.  I grew angry.

"Wow, your hands are hot..." she said with surprise.
I quickly recovered my hands and gave a nervous laugh. Shit my emotions are leaking...

"Scarlet will me my assistant as she is new she has much to learn." Alex explained to Valarie.

Valarie and Alex started talking when Noah came to me.

"Um scar, I—" i cant deal with him right now.

"Alex is calling me." i left him and joined Alex.

"So, Noah is free now?"

"Yeah.." Alex said.

She hugged his arm. "Come on give me a tour of your academy sweetie?"

I clenched my fist. Sweetie my ass!!!

"Um, sure..." he said.

He looked at me but I ignored his gaze.
He tried to talk to me again. I don't want to talk to him at the moment.

"I have some errands to run, catch you guys later. Scarlet come with me." Alex said. Thats my escape.

I quickly went to Alex. I thank god i dont have deal with this now, my heart is already messed up.

I came out of the room. I am gave a relief sign.

"you were interested in labor work?"

"Um what work?"

"Student body work Airhead." He flicked me.


"Come on, or i will leave you behind." He said waking forward. I ran to caught up to him.

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