Chapter 2

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Harris waited outside the door to our History class. I was still a couple of steps away but his appearance was pretty much visible already. He smiled while waving his hand. I smiled as well and continued walking.

Only a couple more steps before I could get to the spot where Harris was standing. Suddenly, somebody from behind me bumped unto the back of my shoulder.

"Watch where you're going loser," she hissed, looking back at me with furrowed drawn eyebrows. I sighed and rolled my eyes at the sight of Yara.

Yara was one of the popular kids who liked to pick on anyone under the social highschool hierarchy, while acting friends to those who are on top.

She continued to sashay to the same door behind Harris, in her incredibly long heels. Her hips were basically swaying gracefully, as well as her golden brown hair dancing against her back.

Another sigh came out of my mouth, and another eyeroll. I watched her as she pushed Harris roughly to the side. He almost fell on his butt but fortunately, he managed to keep his balance.

Third sigh and third eyeroll for the day. Yara's such a bully, and I hate her for that. True, she was beautiful. She was practically a goddess. But it didn't give her any right to step on any people she wants. I swear to Odin, one day karma's going to get her. Her, and all those other bullies out there.

"Are you okay Harris?" I questioned him when I was already beside him. He nodded with lips pressed in a thin line. He tilted his head, indicating for us to get inside. I nodded and I opened the door.

We got in. Nobody cared. They were minding their own business.

Somewhere in a corner, Yara was battering her flirty eyelashes to the football guys circling around her seat.

I followed Harris as he made his way through the other chairs until we got to our own designated seats safely. Harris let out a heavy sigh as he sat, leaning his back. I sat on mine as quietly as I can. I know everybody's minding their own business right now, but my paranoia always gives me the feeling that people are gawking at me, judging me, backstabbing me. So I made sure not to capture any attention as I sat.

Our History teacher wasn't around yet, so the classroom looked like it was invaded by wild animals. The chairs weren't neatly placed, the other students in the same class were really noisy, and overall, the place looked like a dump.

For a private school, you would expect to see well poised, well-behaved students. In reality, it isn't always like that, unless there's a teacher around of course.

I noticed a ball of crumpled paper came flying passed me through my peripheral vision. The crumpled paper hit Harris's forehead, yet the latter didn't do anything except rub his forehead and watched as the balled paper roll to the ground.

An explosion of laughter echoed throughout the room, and after doing a quick scan, realized it was the jerks doings. Two of them clapped smugly, the others kept laughing.

Yara and the others who were surrounding laughed as well. Mainly everyone else, who wasn't us, in the room were laughing.

Another crumpled ball paper was thrown and it hit me this time. It didn't really give any critical hit but the annoyance was building up. Through my peripheral vision, I could see Harris's fists clenching on the surface of his chair-desk.

His jaw stiffened and his eyes were glued downwards. I looked at the jerks and they were still laughing.

It was grade school all over again. It has always been. And the same question remained pinned inside my head. Why do bullies exist?

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