Chapter 17

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"Who here can give a little generalization of the French revolution year--"

Frankly, I wasn't really paying attention in class. Harris would whisper some things unrelated to our History class to me but my mind's preoccupied with something else.


The seat beside me is taken by Harris and the other seat to my right is taken as well. In short, the seats near me were already taken.

So he had no choice but to sit next to Yara. Actually, she glared at the original owner of the seat thus making it vacant for Noah.

I couldn't take my eyes off him, off his back to be exact since he's seated somewhere in the front, 2 columns near the door. Then, I rolled my eyes down to the back of my hands. I caressed my hands while biting the inside of my cheeks.

It still hurt from Noah's tight grip. Whenever we head to the next class, his hand would grab for mine.

Especially when we reached our history class. He literally just crushed my hand and when I glanced up at him, he was glaring at Harris.

Making sense of his glare, it was obvious that he didn't like him. Well he did told me so after all but the way he's looking at Harris complemented his statement.

I snapped out of my thoughts when a girl from the class, someone named Abby, screamed after standing from her desk-chair. Her eyes were pinned on her phone while her jaw dropped in terror.

Everyone flinched, including Harris and me. Everyone except Noah, though.

Even Mr. Gilmore was shocked.

"They found a body had been butchered!" She exclaimed, still not taking her eyes away from her phone.

The others quickly pulled out their phones, I presumed to check if they got the same notification as hers.

"OMG she's right!" Kaylee uttered, gesturing to gag.

Harris took out his phone as well. "Oh man. Jen, you have to see this. The photos are uncensored."

I turned my head sideways to Harris and gaped as I gawked at the photos on his screen.

Majority began to panic, while Damien and a few of his gang cackled in amusement.

"Cool!" He bellowed with an astonished grin.

Yara smirked sarcastically. "Uhh.. No it's not. You're gross you sadistic motherf--"

"Settle down class. And Tim go back to your seat please," Mr. Gilmore cut the panic slowly building amidst the class's atmosphere. Also, to interrupt Yara from cussing.

Hesitant, I pulled out my phone as well and checked the same notification. My eyes winced at the sight of the photos for the second time.

It came from an anonymous source, which probably came from the campus paparazzi-- mostly consist of people from the school newspaper who also manages the school's website.

It made me wonder how the person got access to the photos, but after reading the long caption my question was answered. Turned out the person was in the crime scene when he or she took the photos.


"I heard Grace didn't come to class today," I heard some group of girls talking to each other while I sat next to them at the bleachers inside the school gym.

One of them noticed I was gawking at them so she turned her head to my direction with a snort.

"What're you looking at?" She hissed. Instead of replying with words, I just glanced away.

That Kid: Noah PryceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora