Chapter 15

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I completely dozed off last night while waiting for Noah to get out of the bathroom.

I tried knocking on the door but he wouldn't answer. Despite the sound from the bathtub water running, his sobbing was audible enough for me to hear, and it got me worried. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep.

With my eyes still feeling droopy, I felt a heavy weight around my waist. Then, something just nuzzled unto my neck, causing me to fully open my eyes.

I turned my head slightly and saw Noah sleeping next to me on my bed. The tip of my nose slightly touched his hair and I could smell the shampoo fragrance which made me blush for a brief number of seconds.

He was sleeping soundly as my body remained locked between his embrace. I wanted to stroke his dark hair while I gawked at him sleeping. He looked so innocent and somehow at peace.

I motioned my free hand to his hair, when all of a sudden the alarm beeped again. I rolled my eyes in frustration while grunting at my clock's really bad timing.

The second time was louder enough to wake Noah up. Realizing he was hugging me, he quickly pulled his arm away and stirred himself to sit up.

"I... I didn't know I... I've fallen asleep here," he ran his fingers through his hair while averting to make any eye contact. "I'm sorry."

I jerked myself upwards as well, rubbing my eyes to wipe any forms of drowsiness left. My eyes were stingy to the point it became watery.

"It's okay," I yawned.

Noah got off of the bed, tugging his shirt's long sleeve downwards before scratching his nape. I got off as well, stealing glances at him as he made his way to his duffel bag lying on the floor near my closet.

I was basically staring at his back while he crouched in front of his duffel bag but the sight still astounded me for no particular reason at all. It just did.

My lips tugged into a smile and I quickly wiped it away so he couldn't catch it when he turned around again.

"Can I borrow a towel?" He asked.

Puzzled, I replied with a question. "What happened to your towel?"

"It..." He paused and looked away with a deep breathe. Then he began shaking his head and smirked. "Nevermind."

My eyes remained staring at him. My braincells were telling me to get ready but my body wasn't listening. It was too preoccupied in observing Noah do even the slightest form of movement.

When I finally did manage to regain control of my body, I walked over to my closet. "You know what I think I have a clean spare here. Hang on," I dug through the insides of my closet to search.

I pulled out a pink one which made him pull a disgusted face.

"Here," I trotted over to him and extended my hand currently holding the towel.

He glared at me with a raised eyebrow and narrow eyes. "Pink? Really?"

I blinked in confusion, then realizing that Noah hates pink. Correction, he loathes pink.

I don't like pink either and I can't even recall how I got it. That's why I never really use it and just kept it folded in my closet.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "It's just a color," I spat.

He snorted in disapproval but eventually gave in.

As he reached for the towel, the hem of his sleeve slightly yanked up, exposing a line on his wrist.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now