Chapter 10

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I completely froze while staring at myself in the mirror on the medicine cabinet inside the bathroom.

Thoughts about Noah's weird behavior last night, plus his mom's revelation kept disturbing me. I didn't even get enough sleep.

Since Noah fell asleep on my bed, I had no choice but to sleep on the comforter that was originally intended for him. I didn't protest about it since I don't really care if I sleep in a bed or not. But Noah himself isn't something I should let slide. He worried me. He worried me a lot.

A knock on the door unfroze me from my thoughts. I blinked back to reality and heard Aunt Clare's voice spoke from the other side of the door.


"Yes?" I said, realizing I left the faucet running so I twisted the knob closed.

"Harris is waiting downstairs. Aren't you finish freshing up?"

I glanced at myself in the mirror once again along with a deep sigh before opening the door. "Tell him to wait," I told her. Aunt Clare nodded and went back downstairs.

Noah wasn't in the room which I'm guessing he's probably in the backyard porch sulking. It made moving a whole lot easier for me since his auras not here to stun every joints in my body.

I quickly applied make up and threw on my clothes-- deciding to wear black tank top that reveals a bit of my belly button and skinny jeans. I let my hair up in a ponytail and before I forget, grabbed a checkered long sleeved polo and tied it around my waist.

This isn't usually my get up but Harris specifically told me to dress like one of the cool crowds so I did my research and ended up with this OOTD, as what social media inclined teenagers always say.

I put on my denim high-cut converse before skipping down the stairs till I got to the living room.

I saw Noah standing and leaning his back against the wall by the doorway connecting the living room to the kitchen. His arms were folded against his chest while obviously glaring at Harris like he was going to devour my friend.

Harris nervously stood up from the sofa as he noticed me hop from the last step of the stairs. Noah glanced at me as well but only for a quick second. He continued eyeing Harris with his hungry dark eyes.

"Hey Jen," Harris uttered with a shaky voice. I could notice him trying to avert gazing at Noah, and I could tell Harris was feeling more and more uncomfortable as each time passed by.

"Yo," I smiled while doing a V sign with my fingers, my way of distracting the anxiety my friend was feeling.

Harris did an anxious chuckle and wiped the sudden beads of sweat trickling down from his forehead using the sleeves of his newly bought sweatshirt.

Through my peripheral  vision, I saw Noah's fists clenched, his eyebrows frowned, and his jaws stiffened when I placed my hand on top of Harris' shoulder and tiptoed slightly so I could peck his cheek.

I didn't know why I did the cheek kissing part but I'm guessing it was because of the discomfort I was feeling. I guess you really do weird things out of anxiety.

"Wait. You two are going to a party right?" Aunt Clare said after walking through the doorway from the kitchen. Mrs. Emily appeared after a second or two with a glass of juice.

Angel, my sister, who also came from the kitchen marched up the stairs with headphones on, totally ignoring our presence.

"Yes," I replied.

"You should take Noah with you," my aunt added which took both me and Harris by surprise.

That's right. Harris doesn't quite know him very well. Noah was no longer here when Harris and his family moved into town. And the thought of tagging a stranger with him must have bothered him. I noted it when I figured his face, especially the bridge of his nose, crinkled.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now