Chapter 41

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A/N : Aaah I need motivation. Motivate meee please ToT



I scanned the neighborhood sidewalks we were passing by through my side's car window. Harris rotated the steering wheel turning the car right-- the street leading to the convenience store.

I had to disturb him in his gaming session to ask for help in bringing Noah home... wherever he is. And being an awesome friend that he is, he agreed.

"Don't worry Jen. I'm sure he's still at that convenience store," he must have noticed my uneasiness. My gradual twisting and stirring in my seat probably gave it away.

"If not, then maybe at the town's playground you mentioned," he added not taking his eyes off the road.

My worry didn't vanish. Who was I kidding. I was more than worried. Let's just say I have a dash of guilt within me as well. Guilt in behalf of what I said to Noah; guilt in behalf of what Harris and I did; guilt in behalf of the possibility that another person could follow the same fate as Coach Morris did in the hands of an angry Noah.

Harris pulled up the car in front of the store. With no hesitation, I undid my seatbelt and hopped out the car. I dashed in the store with Harris jogging behind me.

I searched the entire insides of the place, corner per corner, but there was no Noah.

"Hey uhh-- did a guy came in here?" Harris decided to interrogate the cashier lady. "Messy black hair that's like almost a quiff but not really a quiff, sleepy eyes, pale skin, snubby eyebrows..."

"Yeah. She was with some girl. But they didn't really stuck around," the cashier lady replied.

I walked over the counter and tugged the sleeve of Harris' jacket.

"So he was here with Angel," Harris muttered to me in a low voice.

"I did hear them arguing outside though. I figured they were having a lover's quarrel and I didn't want to get involved so I stayed put. Fortunately they left right after the whole argument," cashier lady added.

Lover's quarrel? I almost laugh at the phrase. She thought they were a couple. Heh. They're not a couple. We are.

Oh wow. Did I actually just acknowledged that Noah and I were a couple?

"Welp. Off to the playground it is," Harris stated and paced out the door, tugging my hand along with him.

We got back in the car and drove to the playground. The place was deadpan quiet.

"Whoo," Harris shivered as he stepped out of the car. "It's cold," he continued wrapping his arms around himself while tilting his neck from side to side.

I felt the wind brushed against my skin as well and my shoulders shuddered at the cold breeze.

"I just hoped Noah's here."

"How about a hug to take the coldness away?" Harris teased and I flashed him an eye-roll.

"Not now Harris," I sighed and walked around a familiar tree. This tree brings me a lot of memories when Noah and I were just kids.

But now isn't the time for reminiscing. I must focus on the main priority why I'm here.

After minutes of searching every bits of the playground, there was no sign of Noah. But why do I get the feeling that he was here awhile ago?

"Maybe he's back at home now. He probably took a shortcut back home that's why we didn't see him while we were on the way here," Harris mused but I doubt it.

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