Chapter 48

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"Hey you! Move!" I heard Damien growling at some poor guy sitting behind Harris.

When the guy didn't move a muscle, Damien dragged him out of his chair by the arm (just above the elbow), and threw him somewhere. The poor guy collided with one of the chairs and I just felt sympathetic. Damien is and forever will be a damn bastard.

"My god Damien!" Yara squealed over-dramatically with stifled smile. "What's gotten into you?" She asked peevishly, pretending like she was genuinely concerned for the poor guy who got thrown away from his seat.

I bit the insides my cheek whilst forcing myself to stay calm as I glanced over Yara's. I'm still furious by the fact that Noah's sitting next to her. Furious and jealous even though Noah consistently ignores her everytime.

"Mind your own business whore-queen," Damien jeered as he sat his ass on the desk-chair he just stole.

Yara's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?!"

But Damien ignored her. So she went back to trailing her stupid nail-polished fingernail up and down on Noah's arm.

Gosh she's making me want to kill her!

Through the corner of my eyes, I saw Damien kicking the back part of Harris' chair. I gave Harris the look but he only responded with a shrug. Damien went on to constantly kicking his chair. The last one was harder than the previous ones, that Harris' chair was pushed forward just a little bit. My bestfriend scooted his chair back to its normal spot.

I threw Damien a pissed off glare but he just sniggered with a smug on his face.

"What are you looking at?" He sneered at me. I sighed in defeat and looked at everyone else instead.

I knew some of them disapproved of Damien's actions right now, and yet they're too terrified to do something about it. I don't even know why we let people like Damien treat us like this. To be honest, he's way worse than Yara.

He wasn't even bigger than us. He wasn't a jock. He wasn't some gang member. He was just a mere bully with perfect intimidation skills. And I could say the same things with his friends as well.

Damien leaned forward behind Harris' ear and whispered. Unfortunately, I failed to hear what it was. Damien then patted Harris cheek , and leaned back to his own chair afterwards.

Harris hand that was resting on his desk-chair's arm curled into a fist. I could notice his knuckle turning pale. I placed my hand over his in order to calm him down. After exhaling a deep breathe he's been keeping in his lungs, he flashed me an assuring smile. I smiled back.

On cue, our History teacher walked in and so another hellhole hour of an exam had begun.

Harris was the first one to finish, which was a complete shocker even for me. The teacher was just as shock as I was. Usually, I would finish first but it seemed my good ol' bestfriend did a whole lot of studying during his free time.

He walked back to his seat to grab his bag. I looked at him with an astonished look plastered on my face. He laughed quietly but stopped when he accidentally glanced at Damien. I saw Harris' throat rise then fall, indicating that he just made a hard gulp.

Damien was glaring at Harris, I noted, when I turned my head around for a quick second to capture a glance. The bully was gritting his teeth, his jaws stiffened, and his eyes were red with anger as he watched Harris walking out of the room.

Moments later, I was finished with mine. I met up with Harris who was waiting outside his room. He was indian-seated on the tiled floor with his back against a wall. He was wiping the frames of his glasses using the hem of his uniform blazer.

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