Chapter 18

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"I'm gonna fucking kill him."

My mind hasn't stayed calm after what I heard during P.E.

Even though I know those were just spoken words due to anger but it still bugged me somehow, especially knowing Noah and how he's a little bit off.

There I said it. He's off. His behavior is off. His way of thinking is off.

Who knows what he's capable of. I mean he killed my dog right? But can he really do the same thing to a person?

I brushed my hand along my face in frustration, my elbows resting on the table in the kitchen.

Startled, I flinched and almost slid off the chair as I felt somebody walked behind me and stopped in front of the fridge.

Tilting my head behind the side of my shoulder, I took in my sister's appearance. She was opening the fridge but paused when she noticed I was staring.

She gave me a yes? What? look before proceeding to fully open the fridge. She pulled out a sandwich, then looked at me again as she closed back the fridge.

I smiled at her and she smiled back sheepishly.

To my surprise, she paced towards the kitchen table and sat on the chair next to me.

"Where's Clare?" She asked, unwrapping the napkin covering the sandwich.

"She went out with Noah's mom. She did left us money for pizza," I replied, taking a sip of my can of mountain dew.

Angel nodded and munched a bite of the sandwich. "Where's Noah?" She added.

I shrugged whilst biting my lower lip in discomfort. "In the room I guess," I let out half a chuckle.

My sister nodded again. There was a brief silence but then she spoke again.

"So, how was school?"

Instead of responding, I sort of giggled.

She blushed and bit her sandwich shyly, her head facing down out of embarassment.

As a way to relax her, I patted the top of her head gently. She raised her head up and our eyes met. She smiled when I smiled at her.

"I'm sorry," pulling my hand away and resting it back on the table's surface. "I'm just not used to you initiating small talks."

Angel shrugged then giggled shyly. "Same here. I have no idea how to start a conversation," she bit her lower lip in shame.

Seeing her looking upset made me feel  empathetic as an older sister. Ever since the accident happened, she rarely talked to anyone, hardly went out unless Aunt Clare tags along, and most often she only goes out of her room when she's hungry.

Because sometimes, Clare would just leave her food outside her door. Sometimes, she goes out to get food herself.

But I'm glad today's one of those days when she intently chose to leave her room.

"I left my room," she coincidentally uttered.

I grinned and nodded to agree. "Yeah. I'm so glad you did."

And one thing I liked about this, is we finally had a chance to talk. I can't really remember when was the last time we ever had a conversation but I'm pretty sure it was a long time ago.

Talking to Angel somehow successfully directed my thoughts away from... Noah.

Darn it. I just had to jinx it.

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