Chapter 33

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"Noah? Are you asleep?" Jenny sat up on her bed. She glimpsed over the comforter where Noah was sleeping.

Noah, who was spacing out again while staring at the ceiling, hummed as a response.

Reluctant, Jenny decided to just go on with her idea. The truth is, she was finding it difficult to sleep because of a certain thought that was bugging her mind. She was busy weighing the options whether it'll be okay to heed that thought or will it be immoral for her to go on with it.

In the end, she chose to go through with it.

"If you want, you can sleep here," she shyly said, not aware that her cheeks were tinting red.

Noah blinked away from his own thoughts. He pushed his torso to sit up, turned his head to look at Jenny. He wasn't exactly sure if he heard her right so he just gave a questioning look.

Taking in the boy's facial expression, she gathered up the courage to reiterate what she said, adding some elaboration.

"You can sleep here on the bed next to me," she uttered beneath her breath but enough for him to hear.

With no further questions asked, Noah got up and hovered on the space next to Jenny. He brought his blanket and pillow along with him.

Both of them lied down, making sure they're facing the ceiling instead of to each other. The closeness was bringing some weird feelings within Jenny. She was blushing so hard. Good thing the lamp's yellowish light wasn't bright enough to make it obvious.

Noah was stoic and nonchalant as usual. But he knows he loves being this close to her. Jenny stirred her back on the bed and her shoulder accidentally brushed against Noah's. The contact sent sparks throughout her veins. The same thing happened to him, but he remained relaxed unlike Jenny who was flustering.

There was silence. All the sound that Jenny could hear was the beating of her heart. Through the corner of her eyes, she glimpsed at Noah. His eyes were closed.

She was on the way to assuming that he had fallen asleep but then he began to hum. She listened attentively and realized it was a tune similar to the ones she heard from one of Beethoven's. She wasn't sure though, but it's a close guess.

"So..." she uttered, cutting off Noah's humming attempt for a lullaby.

Noah, while having his eyes shut, lent all ears to wait for what she will say.

"We've talked to Dr. Osborne," she stated. Noah clenched his fists that was resting on top of his blanket-covered stomach. He huffed deeply but still listened intently.

"What's with Morris?" She asked. Noah stiffened.

He felt annoyed. He felt betrayed. He suddenly regret opening up to Dr. Osborne about Morris. He knew about Jerry, and he told him about Morris as well. Not entirely, but a few glimpse of it.

"What did he tell you?" Noah finally spoke, yet his voice was stern.

"N-nothing much. Just that you mentioned his name during the session," Jenny regretted ever initiating the conversation. She could feel his annoyance boiling up and it was making her uneasy.

Noah fell silent. Jenny rolled over sideways. She was examining Noah's face but his eyes were shut so it was kinda hard to read his expression.

But then Noah's face scrunched while his eyebrows frowned. Taking in those minor facial gestures, Jenny assumed to a conclusion.

"Did he..." She ceased herself from continuing. Noah's body was shaking. "...Are you alright?"

That Kid: Noah Pryceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें