Chapter 50

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"Schizoaffective Disorder..."

I heard Dr. Osborne said to my mom while I was in the kitchen to grab a glass of water right after our one hour home-session. Since the two of them are already talking, might as well eavesdrop on their conversation.

"What's that?" My mom asked in a somewhat low husky voice.

"Noah has both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Emily. Somehow those two have merged within him. His mood changes sometimes aggressive sometimes sensitive... He doesn't integrate emotions quite well... His inability to express... He talks to himself or shall I say the voices in his head as if they're really there. His short temper... Sometimes he tends to show acts of impulsiveness... Plus other signs showing off his clinical depression including the need to hurt himself. Those are just some of the symptoms of those with Schizoaffective disorder Emily," Dr. Osborne explained.

I leaned my back on a wall with the glass of water still in my hand, all the while listening to them go on. But honestly, with all that he said, the only thing that stuck to my mind was the way he says my mother's first name so casually.

"But he's not... He's not crazy isn't he?" My mother questioned and I grimaced hearing it.

"Oh no of course not. A person with mental health issues is not to be considered as someone crazy Emily--"

There he is again. I chugged the remaining water from my glass before slamming it down on the kitchen counter.

I decided to get out of the kitchen and join them. When I got back to the living room hall, I caught the two of them hugging now. They quickly backed off upon noticing my presence but it was too late because I saw them.

And the sight boiled my blood. I gritted my teeth while curling my hands into balled fists. I glared at them with an intention to ki--

"--Noah," Dr. Osborne snatched me back to reality. I forced myself to calm down, and forced my eyes to go back to being dead blank. I replied with a Yeah?

He took a step forward to my direction and I stepped back out of impulse. His eyes widened a little bit but then narrowed back down almost immediately and he beamed.

"I'll see you again next week," he then said and I didn't respond with anything.

"I'll escort you outside Mike," Emily said which took me by surprise.

Mike?! Emily?! Since when have they been on first name basis?!

"Holy shit are they fucking each other?!"

My eye involuntarily twitched as the voices inside my head began to talk again. I eyed them as they walked towards the door. While they were passing through the doorway, I caught my mother's hand intertwined with Dr. Osborne's. My eyes widened in shock and I was stunned, immobilized rather, even until the door had already been shut closed.

I stood there in the same spot trying to analyze what that was. Maybe my mind was toying with me. Maybe I was just hallucinating. Maybe I was only imagining it because there's no way that could have been real.

There's just no way. No. Nada. No.



"Be careful," Harris told me as he assisted me to hop out of the narrow clinic bed holding my hand firmly. He was carrying both our bags around his shoulder.

"I've got a swollen head Harris. I'm not limp. I can walk," I said with a light chuckle but he wasn't amused. He pulled a straight face and continued to assist me walking out the clinic door. Aunt Clare was already in the car waiting for us.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now