Chapter 11

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"Hello losers," Yara greeted us but her eyes were directed to Noah.

I didn't like it. I hated the way she battered her flirty eyelashes at him and I hated how she widened her lips smothered in red to form a flirty smile.

Noah seemed uninterested though, but still, her gestures irritated me.

"Who's your friend?" She asked, still not pulling her eyes away from Noah, who wasn't returning the favor.

My eyebrows arched dubiously but I answered anyways. "Noah."

"Oh hey Noah. I'm Yara," she giggled and before I knew it, she already had her hand locked around his arm as she hauled him away from us towards  a corner where the other popular kids where.

Keisha's house was really huge. Actually, this can be labeled as a mansion now by the size of it. It's wide space was big enough to accommodate numbers of students from both the upper class and lower class of the social status a.k.a the populars and the losers.

Speaking of losers, they were all gathered in one corner, gawking at the others. I saw Reggie and another geek named Harold staring at a female couple swirling tongues with each other against a wall not far from where they were.

Harris and I went over to the losers side, greeting everyone, and stopping when we got to Reggie's side.

"Oy," I tapped my fat friend's back. He wrung my hand off of him and shushed me. I looked at Harris and we both snickered. Reggie was definitely taken over by his manly hormones and enjoying the live free porn in front of him.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks," Harris said, resting his hand on top of my shoulder.

"Wait. I'll go with," I replied, squeezing his wrist. He nodded and we walked towards a long table where the food was, as well as all sorts of drinks were displayed. There was even a large bowl of orange fruit punch which was great since Harris and I don't drink alcohol.

As Harris was busy pouring some drinks in two white plastic cups, an extremely annoying beast with a can of beer trotted towards us.

"Yo. It's the loser lovers!" He yelled as he gulped from his can.

"Hello to you too Damien," Harris spoke back in his raspy voice. He was now filling up one cup.

His tone of voice seemed to have irritated Damien, causing him to smirk sarcastically while throwing the can to the floor. The liquid splashed out creating a puddle around the can.

"You really think you're so tough huh?" Damien said, shoving me to take two steps backwards, and drawing himself closer to my friend until their bodies were inches apart.

I could smell Damien covered with the beer scent and it almost intoxicated me in a negative way.

Harris halted finishing in filling up the cup and turned to face Damien. They were equally of the same height so their eyes easily locked unto each other.

I roamed my eyes around to see if I could get any help before something happened but I was too late. Damien had fallen to the floor with the corner of his lips swollen.

The scene interrupted everyone else's fun and within a minute or two, a circle of crowd had formed with Harris and Damien in the middle.

I couldn't get past the crowd but I could hear them throwing insults, curses, and punches to each other.

The others were howling and cheering-- mostly on Damien's side, some were just howling.

"Stop!" I tried shouting but my voice was overpowered by the people's chants plus the loud music from the speakers. I caught Noah leaning against the wall with his knees folded upward, and his hands inside his pockets. He was staring at me and nothing else. I mouthed him for help but he just glared at me sternly.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now