Chapter 44

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The tears and sweat on my face had dried down already. Actually, the wind helped a lot.

I heard the sound of the car starting up, hinting me that the people who were at the playground were about to leave. I bobbed my head down to the dead girl's body on the ground in next to me. I couldn't even recognize her anymore because I crushed her face good with my feet.

As another gush of wind blew by, I raised my knees up to my chest. I snuffed, resting my chin on top of my knees while wrapping my arms around them.

Right now I feel so cold. And I don't mean because of the breeze. It was more of a dead-cold that's somehow making every nerves in my body frozen. I gazed at the girl again.

"I can't leave you here can I?" I muttered beneath my breathe, trying to talk to her as if she was still alive. Then, realizing that she's not going to respond and that I probably look like a lunatic talking to a dead girl, I laughed at myself throwing my head back in amusement.

I stuck my lips in between my teeth as I think of ways on how should I hide her body.

I could bury her. But I don't have any shovel or any equipments I can use to dig a whole.

I could throw her in the river for the fishes to eat. But that would take some time and some passers-by in a car might see me.

Then again, it's late at night and the possibility of that happening is 3 out of ten if I'm unlucky. If I am lucky, I reckon it'd be 0-1.

I let out a deep sigh. This is frustrating. Guess I have no other choice.

I pushed myself up to my feet, brushing the dusts and dirt off my jeans. I licked my lower lip and bit it afterwards.

"Guess it's the cabin for you," I chuckled beneath my breath while I ran my hand along my hair.

I know it's late and like I said, the way through the woods is darker now that's it's night but where am I supposed to dump this girl's body?  The previous two were disposed recklessly and they easily were found. If I just hide her in the cabin, it's a lot safer and sure enough they won't discover her body. I'll just have to make use of my memory and the faint moonlight beaming the forest.

Then by tomorrow, I'll start digging a grave to bury her in.

"Why haven't you thought of that before when you killed that Ronnie guy? You did it with the old dude right? "

"I know. It slipped my mind. I was reckless," I answered myself.

Truth is, I had even forgot where I threw his dead body. I was shocked when I heard they found him.

Besides, there's an entrance to the woods here nearby. All I have to do is get to the main road, walk across until I get to the other side.

Okay here goes..



"I feel like we're being watched."

"Harris, stop being paranoid," I told him, patting his cheek lightly.

He heaved a sigh, "You're right. Maybe I am. I mean can you blame me? We've had dead people the past weeks," he stated, adding emphasis to his tone of voice.

"After that I make sure I won't be out late at night just to be safe," he puffed his cheeks. "Tonight's an exception though since you personally asked me to," he winked and smirked.

I pressed my lips in a thin line. I remembered about Grace and Ronnie.  Last time I checked, the police are still investigating what happened to them and who could have been responsible for their deaths.  Coach Morris wasn't included in the investigation since Noah made it look like it was an accidental fire due to careless usage of kitchen appliances.

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