Chapter 43

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"There you are..."

I turned my head over my shoulder to look behind and all I could do was let out a sigh.

There, standing behind me, was a girl with short black hair and tanned skin. She was smiling at me in an unusual way. The same smile some of the girls at school gives me almost every school days. I hated it when they smile at me like that. I hated them in general.

All the girls in school couldn't surpass the beauty I see in Jenny.


Her smile.

Now hers is the only smile I won't get tired of staring at even if it kills me.

The girl walked up to me.

'How did she know I was here?' I asked to myself.

As if reading my mind, she answered with a giggle, "You must be wondering how I got here. Well, I saw you outside the convenience store earlier--" she started to blab.

"--I was somewhere nearby, making out with some guy who doesn't even know how to kiss--" I rolled my eyes due to annoyance. I came here to be alone then she suddenly barged in like this.

"--and I was like 'O.M.G is that Noah?' But you were with some girl. At first I thought it was that weird Jenny girl--"

Weird Jenny girl?

"--but judging by the hair length I realized it wasn't. Then I saw the two of you kissing so I thought 'oh maybe it is Jenny who got an ugly haircut--'

And that's my cue for spacing out.

The girl she was referring to is none other than Angel, Jenny's younger sister. And she kissed me. For fucking crying fucking out loud she kissed me. How dare she do that? If she wasn't related to Jenny, I could have lost my mind and... well, she might end up saying hello to Grace, Ronnie, and Coach Morris.

Speaking of loosing my mind, this girl's nonstop blabbering is close to breaking my patience. She's still talking and as much as I hated it, her annoying voice would come in then come out of my ear.

Finally, she giggled and her mouth she finally shut up. I realised I had missed out on her whole explanation but I assume it started with seeing me leave from the convenience store and ended with following me here at the public playground.

And it was only now that I noticed how closer she had gotten from where I was standing.

I was taken aback when her hand slid up to my arm. I shot her a glare but she seemed to be ignoring it and just started caressing the fabric of my sleeve in an unusual way, like I was some kind of puppy with soft fur.

"I've always wanted to talk to you Noah. I know most girls at Forks do. But Yara's such a bitch who wants to keep you all to herself--"

It finally registered to me why this girl looks extremely familiar. She was one of those girls who hangs out with Yara. Yara who pisses me off because of what she does, what she says, and most especially because of what she looks like.

And what was that she said? Yara wants to keep me all to herself? As if. I couldn't even last a day of not wanting to puke whenever I sit beside her in History class or when she just simply walk up to me and chat.

But what really pisses me up to the core is when... you guessed it... When she insults Jenny. I wasn't really able to do anything when they bully the girl I love because Harris was always to the rescue.

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